OSHA Issues New Coronavirus Guidelines for Construction Workers

Can construction workers safely resume work while risking exposure to COVID-19? OSHA has some ideas.

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Earlier this week, the United States Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) released new guidelines for construction workers who may be at risk for exposure to the coronavirus. They include recommendations on personal protective equipment, facial coverings and safe practices to allow workers to conduct their their daily duties.

“Employers of workers engaged in construction should remain alert to changing outbreak conditions, including as they relate to community spread of the virus and testing availability,” said the DoL in a press release.

The updated guidelines also address the following:

  • Use of physical barriers to separate workers experiencing any symptoms of illness, to keep them from spreading germs.
  • Keeping the length and number of in-person meetings at a minimum, with only essential figures present.
  • Reducing the total number of workers on a single job site via staggered schedules and alternating workdays.

These new guidelines are meant to provide a safe, responsible and accountable way for employers to resume work on projects while mitigating the threat of the coronavirus.  For more information go to OSHA’s COVID-19 webpage, which the DoL frequently updates.

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