Ethan O’Donnell – Family Handyman Do it Yourself Home Improvement: Home Repair Wed, 08 Mar 2023 18:05:08 +0000 en-US hourly 6,32 Ethan O’Donnell – Family Handyman 32 32 How to Make a Simple Coat Rack Wed, 08 Mar 2023 18:04:39 +0000

Project Overview

Coat Rack Su 4

Finished dimensions: 8-in. deep x 10-1/4-in. tall x 44-in. long.

Cutting List

A 2 3/4″ x 6-1/2″ x 9-1/2″ Ends
B 2 3/4″ x 4″ x 44″ Top shelf
C 1 3/4″ x 1-1/2″ x 38″ Top rail
D 1 3/4″ x 3″ x 38″ Bottom rail
E 11 5/8″ x 1-1/2″ x 4-1/2″ Stiles

Cut Your Parts

Start by cutting the parts for your coat rack. Refer to the cutting layout diagram above to see how each component fits on the board.

In this diagram, we assume you purchased a 10-foot board at a home center, surfaced on all four sides with exact dimensions of a 1 x 8: 7-1/4-in. wide by 3/4-in. thick. The cutting diagram includes a 1/8-inch buffer around the perimeter of the board, and assumes your blade’s kerf is also 1/8-inch.

The last step: Trim the stile (E) thickness from 3/4-in. to 5/8-inch. If you’d rather do this on a thickness planer than a table saw, keep all the stiles together and plane them down to 5/8-in. before cutting them to 4-1/2-in. lengths.

Coat Rack Su 3

Which Natural Weed Killers Will Work Best for You? Mon, 06 Mar 2023 19:24:37 +0000 Undoubtedly you’ve read or heard reports about the toxic chemicals in herbicides and their long-term effects on us and the environment. As a result, environmentally friendly products with active ingredients like vinegar, salt, soap and essential oils are gaining in popularity.

With more organic weed killers hitting the market every growing season, I chatted with an expert about what they are and how they work.

Meet The Expert

Heather Johnson Headshot Bw

Heather Johnson is the lead horticulturist at Bachman’s Floral and Garden in Minneapolis, Minn., where she specializes in diagnosing and managing plant diseases in everything from turf to pine trees.

She discovered her love of gardening at a young age, which led her to a degree in plant biology from the University of Minnesota and a master’s in plant pathology from the University of California-Davis. Johnson says even in her spare time, she’s consumed by plants. “I currently have over 100 houseplants and spend a little time every day tending to them,” she says.

Choosing The Right Herbicide

Crabgrass Ground Ivy And Dandelion

Whatever the time of year or the conditions,  you can treat unwanted weeds or grass in environmentally friendly ways — from preemergent to post-emergent, selective and nonselective varieties. But read labels and choose products with care.

“A lot of the organic options are burn-down herbicides, meaning the roots will remain intact and be able to regrow new shoots later,” Johnson says. “[And] salt and vinegar can remain in the soil after killing the intended weeds, which can affect the growth of wanted plants in the area later on.”

To choose what’s best for your lawn or garden, Johnson suggests you start by answering these questions:

What Type of Weeds Are You Trying To Remove?

Common weeds Johnson say most homeowners struggle to control are dandelions, creeping Charlie and crabgrass. The first two are broadleaf weeds. “If your lawn is overrun with these, it’s more likely that the health of the lawn is being impacted, and lawn care besides just weed removal needs to be done,” Johnson said.

The crabgrass problem is so widespread that companies have developed entire lines of herbicides to eliminate it. Though toxic, these can be effective when used correctly. However, Johnson says, “same as with other weeds, if your lawn is overrun with crabgrass, then there are other health issues that need to be addressed.”

How Many Weeds Are You Targeting?

In cases where weeds haven’t overtaken the lawn or appeared in large clusters, Johnson prefers hand weeding with a tool. “It allows me to dig up the entire weed without the potential of damaging the lawn,” she says.

On the other hand, if the whole lawn is overrun with weeds, she suggests “reseeding along with testing the soil to understand the health of the grass and what nutrients may be needed to amend it.”

When Are You Applying the Weed Killer?

“Some weeds are best handled preemergence, and some weeds are best handled post-emergence,” says Johnson. “Crabgrass can be handled pre- or post-emergence, with the most effective time being preemergence, in April or May, to avoid harming the lawn.”

Broadleaf weeds are best ­handled post-emergence, she says, “as long as it’s before they flower and spread.”

Earth-Friendly Weed Killers Worth Checking Out

Espoma Weed Preventer Plus Lawn Food

Espoma Organic Weed Preventer Lawn Food For All Grasses Ecomm

Espoma Organic Weed Preventer Plus Lawn Food is the best environmentally friendly product for established lawns. It’s made of pure corn gluten meal, so it’s safe for children and pets to play on even immediately after application.

Besides inhibiting weed growth, this product also feeds the lawn, ensuring it stays green and healthy. Johnson says organic and preemergent lawn products are “typically a fertilizer or germination inhibitor that won’t kill already established grass but will prevent any new plants from germinating.”

For best results, apply the Espoma Organic Weed Preventer twice a year, once in early spring and again in early fall.

Shop Now

A.D.I.O.S Selective Bio-Herbicide

Adios Concentrate 1.14 Gallon Ecomm

A.D.I.O.S. Selective Bio-Herbicide is becoming increasingly popular in parts of the United States where conventional herbicides are restricted. Salt, its active ingredient, can be used against broadleaf weeds like dandelions, creeping Charlie and thistles.

A.D.I.O.S. meets all USDA organic standards and has been approved in commercial organic farming. But use sparingly. Overuse of salt-based products can negatively affect the quality of soil in the long run.

Shop Now

Green Gobbler 20% Vinegar Weed Killer

Fh23apr 624 55 M02 1

Green Gobbler 20% Vinegar Weed Killer is a potent, nonselective vinegar-based product. It’s made from ethanol distilled from corn grain and a concentrated vinegar containing four times the acetic acid of traditional household vinegar.

Biodegradable and nontoxic, this Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) certified formula will safely remove all types of weeds from driveways, sidewalks and mulch beds.

Most environmentally friendly weed killers must be sprayed directly on a growing weed so the active ingredients are absorbed. Johnson suggests using “nonselective sprays such as this in an isolated area, where it’s easy to target individual weeds.”

Shop Now

Make Your Own All Natural Weed Killer

A mixture of vinegar, salt and dish soap can be an effective spot treatment for weeds, according to Johnson. Concentrated vinegar works because it’s stronger than the household variety, usually at near 20% acetic acid.

The salt and acetic acid present in vinegar cause unwanted plants to dehydrate, wither and die. And the dish soap enhances the effectiveness by breaking down the plant’s outer layer (cuticle).

Mix one gallon of vinegar, one ounce of dish soap and one cup of salt in a plastic bottle and spray directly on weeds. Apply the mixture on a sunny day with no wind. Because vinegar-based products are nonselective weed killers, they will harm nearby plants if you don’t spray carefully. “If used in small amounts, this shouldn’t affect the soil long term,” Johnson said.

Eliminating Weeds Without Weed Killers

Gettyimages 494007787 Nicola Tree

If you’re still feeling uneasy about using any weed killer, environmentally friendly or not, other means are available to do the job.

Try pouring boiling water on sidewalk, driveway or patio weeds. The water scalds the unwanted weed, and any runoff will cool on the impervious surface before it reaches other plants.

To eradicate weeds from nonflammable areas like cracks in sidewalks and gravel driveways, a propane torch is another effective alternative. Weeds growing on dry or combustible materials should never be torched. Nor should poison ivy or other poisonous plants because their smoke can cause serious allergic reactions.

For large areas of your yard, or between rows of vegetables in your planter boxes, consider solarizing or smothering the soil.

To solarize, place a transparent plastic tarp over the soil. The tarp prevents water absorption while heating the soil and ultimately killing all vegetation. To smother, place layers of newspaper or old shower curtains on the soil to block the sun and moisture.

One of the most effective ways to maintain a weed-free lawn is by following a lawn care schedule. Johnson recommends keeping a lawn calendar that outlines when to do each maintenance task, like mowing, fertilizing and thatching.

“Following those tips and hand-removing weeds when they are present is a good way to mitigate weeds without the use of any chemicals,” she says. If your lawn is more than 50% weeds, Johnson said it’s best to reseed the whole lawn.

How to Build a Storage Coffee Table Fri, 24 Feb 2023 16:38:13 +0000

Coffee tables are as integral to any comfortable living room as chairs and lamps. Their flat surfaces easily hold food and beverages during movie nights or sporting events, as well as board games to play with the family. And, of course, they’re a comfortable place for your cup of Joe in the morning as you welcome the new day.

This project focuses on creating a simple yet elegant coffee table with storage space to get stuff out of the way.

Cutting List

3/4″  Plywood

A – Top 1 48″ x 24″
B – Casework Sides 2 22-1/8″ x 13″
C – Casework Top / Bottom 2 46-3/4″ x 22-1/8″
D – Casework Dividers 2 22-1/8″ x  11-1/4″

Solid Wood

E – Top Edge (Short)** 2 25-1/2″ x 1-1/2″ 3/4″
F – Top Edge (Long)** 2 49-1/2″ x 1-1/2″ 3/4″
G – Face Frame Stiles 4 13″ x 1-1/2″ 3/4″
H – Face Frame Rails 4 43-3/4″ x 1-1/2″ 3/4″
J – Face Frame Mullions 4 10″ x 1-1/2″ 3/4″
K – Base Sides (Short) 2 19″ x  2″ 3/4″
L – Base Sides (Long) 2 43″ x  2″ 3/4″
M – Braces** 4 13-1/2″ x 1-1/2″ 3/4″
N – Legs 4 5″ x 1-1/2″ 1-1/2″
** – Miters Required

Cut the Parts

Once you’ve selected a wood species, cut the parts above from a sheet of 3/4-inch plywood and solid lumber. Notice that parts E, F, and M require mitered ends, which I suggest cutting while dry-fitting them to their surrounding components.

For this project, the base, casework and top should be constructed separately, then assembled. Let’s start from the base and work our way up.

How to Build a Simple Dresser Fri, 10 Feb 2023 18:01:35 +0000 If you're in the market for a small bedroom dresser for a nursery or guest room, why not make it yourself? It only takes a few sheets of plywood, a few feet of solid wood and a free weekend to build this simple modern dresser design.

By using solid wood for the face and edging, this dresser will not only look and feel great, but also last longer than particle board substitutes from big box stores. Now, let's get started.


Casework Overview

Fh Su Simple Dresser 01

Drawer Box Overview

Fh Su Simple Dresser 02

Cut List

3/4-inch plywood

A – Sides 2   32-3/4″       17″
B – Top 1   41-1/4″       17″
C – Bottom 1   40-1/2″   16-1/4″
D – Stretchers 6   40-1/2″       5″
E – Toe 1   40-1/4″       2″

1/2-inch plywood

F – Back 1    41-1/4″   30-3/4″
G – Drawer Sides 8        16″       6″
H – Drawer Front/Back** 8   38-1/4″       6″

1/4-inch plywood

I – Drawer Bottoms 4    38-1/2″   15-1/2″

Solid wood

J – Drawer Slide** 8          16″       7/8″          1/2″
K – Drawer Mount** 8          16″        2″          5/8″
L – Drawer Fronts 4       41-1/4″    7-7/16″          3/4″
M – Top Edges 2           17″      9/32″         9/32″
N – Vertical Face Piece 2          33″       3/4″          1/4″
O – Horizontal Face Piece 4     40-1/4″        3/4″          1/4″
**Only if using the same drawer slides

Cut the Components

Cut all your parts from the list above. In choosing a wood species for your dresser, select 3/4-inch plywood and solid wood of the same species, since that’s all you’ll see on the exterior.

As for the 1/2-inch and 1/4-inch plywood, I prefer to use apple ply or Baltic birch plywood. The thinner ply configuration is stronger and offers an aesthetically pleasing edge that’s visible on the top of the drawer boxes.

Note: You may need to adjust your drawer widths and cut list layout if you can only obtain traditional 5/8-thick Baltic Birch plywood in 5-ft. by 5-ft. sheets.

Upgrade Your Backyard with This Solar Powered Patio Umbrella Wed, 12 Oct 2022 23:35:36 +0000 My most memorable backyard cookouts as a kid always revolved around a grill, someone spunky enough to man it, a mismatched plastic patio set, and a patio umbrella throwing a swath of shade for the lucky few sitting under it.

Backyard cooking has come a long way since then, with today’s setups featuring elaborate pellet grills and smokers and glorious patio sets from the likes of Pottery Barn. Even the humble patio umbrella has changed. Today’s cantilever umbrellas are big enough to provide shade for half your yard.

After seeing so many of the latter around my neighborhood, I did some research and found the Mondawe Solar Powered Market Patio Umbrella. The included base and pre-strung canopy lights make it one of the finest out there. So late in the summer, I picked one up and tried it out.

What Is The Mondawe Solar Powered Market Patio Umbrella?

The Mondawe Solar Powered Market Patio Umbrella arrived at my local home center in two boxes, so I assembled it at home. It was easy. Four bolts created the base, and another two locked the umbrella assembly in place.

After snapping on the hand-sized solar panel, which powers the LED lights under the canopy, I filled the weighted base with water. That’s it. Assembly took less than 15 minutes.

How We Tested It

First, the umbrella actually measures about 8-1/2-ft., not 10 feet as the manufacturer claims. I positioned it to shade a small modular loveseat on the corner of the patio. The umbrella opened in seconds and easily adjusted to the position of the sun with just a couple of hand tight screws.

The wind was gusty that day, reaching 30 mph according to my phone’s weather app. Under these conditions, the umbrella tended to bounce and even spin on its base unless the hand screws were overly torqued. Not only was this annoying, I worried about over-tightening and breaking something, which thankfully did not occur.

By evening, the wind subsided. A quick flip of the teardrop-shaped switch hanging from one of canopy’s corners illuminated the 32 LED lights underneath. The pre-strung, solar-powered lights are a fantastic feature. They’re powerful enough to provide some ambiance without overwhelming your guests.

In general, the Mondawe Solar Powered Market Patio Umbrella is a great product. It’s easy to assemble, sets up and breaks down quickly, and provides enough light for you to enjoy your backyard throughout the night. It doesn’t handle windy conditions well, but I’ve never heard of a patio umbrella that does.


  • Quick and easy assembly;
  • Built to last;
  • Pre-hung solar powered canopy lights;
  • Included base.


  • Not great in gusty conditions.


Q: How heavy is the umbrella base once it’s filled with sand or water?

A: Around 90 lbs., give or take. There are four separate base sections, each weighing less than 25 lbs. when full.

Q: Can the umbrella be tilted?

A: Yes, up to 32 degrees.

Final Verdict

I’m impressed with the Mondawe Solar Powered Market Patio Umbrella. It’s well designed, comes with an abundance of great features, and is ready to use right out of the box. It’s easy to set up, and the LED lights create a pleasant atmosphere in the backyard, day or night.

Where to Buy

Mondawe Cantilever Patio Umbrella

The Mondawe Solar Powered Market Patio Umbrella is available in various colors from Lowe’s.

Buy Now

You Can Really Nail Trim Work and More with This Cordless Pin Nailer Thu, 22 Sep 2022 20:12:47 +0000 Every week it seems, some manufacturer releases a battery operated tool it never made before. Many factors contribute to this, including the ability of some companies to pack an astounding amount of power into compact and lightweight batteries. And I, for one, am all for it.

Since I got my first 23-gauge nailer more than a decade ago, I’ve been a fan. These nails, ultra-thin and headless, hold small trim pieces or edging in place while their glue dries. They’re inconspicuous and easily hidden without filler, even on unpainted surfaces.

A few months back I read a press release from Craftsman Tools about their new Cordless 23-Gauge Pin Nailer. Excited about freeing myself from my air compressor and hose. I ordered up this battery powered nailer and gave it a shot.

What is the Craftsman Cordless 23-Gauge Pin Nailer?

The Craftsman Cordless 23-Gauge Pin Nailer drives 23-gauge pin nails between 5/8-in. to 1-3/8-in. long into various wood products and materials. It features a powerful 20-volt brushless motor and tool-free jam release to minimize downtime.

This nailer also comes with bright LED lights and a non-marring tip to ensure safe and accurate nail placement, regardless of the conditions.

Weighing almost five pounds, the nailer feels comfortable in my hand. It comes with a few hundred one-inch nails, a battery, charger and optional belt hook.

How We Tested It

hand using a Craftsman Cordless 23 Gauge Nailer on the baseboards in a house

There were three critical questions I hoped to answer about this product. How did it react in a normal everyday situation? How many nails would it shoot on a single charge? And finally, did it have any jamming issues? Other battery powered nailers I’ve used in the past jammed frequently.

A typical day at work

To answer my first question, I needed to reapply some prefinished PVC base shoe over the cork flooring in our large basement bathroom. I had to do this because the heated bathroom floor expands and contracts the small profile PVC base shoe at a different rate than the medium density fiberboard (MDF) baseboard it’s attached to. This causes gaps to form between the two moldings over time.

As I reapplied the base shoe with the one-inch pins, the Craftsman Cordless 23-Gauge Pin Nailer delivered. It’s more cumbersome than the air powered pneumatic 23-gauge nailers I’ve used before, which is to be expected with a strong brushless motor onboard.

During this process, I noticed the LED work lights were located near its base. Because of this, it cast undesirable shadows as I placed each nail. Still, a poorly-placed built-in work light was better than none at all.

After repairing the base shoe, I headed straight to the garage to test the Craftsman Cordless 23-Gauge Pin Nailer’s two amp-hour battery capacity.

The act of shooting nails

This test went down as a momentous waste of nails. I painstakingly stood there shooting away for well over an hour before the Craftsman Cordless 23-Gauge Pin Nailer’s battery finally died.

Although it didn’t negatively affect its performance, popping nails at a steady cadence did make the Pin Nailer noticeably warm to the touch.

It’s hard to decide which is worse — staring at the horde of one-inch nails poking through the scrap chunk of half-inch MDF, or spending nearly twenty minutes counting the 1,167 nails the Craftsman Cordless 23-Gauge Pin Nailer shot in a single charge.

During the latter I noticed the pin nailer’s low-nail lockout function, which trips when there are 10 nails left in the cartridge. This prevents the user from firing the nailer unloaded and creating excess pin holes on the workpiece — a welcome feature.

The jam

After multiple hours of testing and counting more than 1,000 nails, I’ve yet to deal with a nail jam. That’s never happened with any 23-gauge nailer I used before, whether pneumatic or cordless. That’s an impressive feat in itself.


  • No need for a compressor and hose;
  • Non-marring tip;
  • Can shoot more than 1,100 nails per charge;
  • Low-nail lockout function;
  • Doesn’t get jammed.


  • More bulky than air powered pneumatic nailers;
  • Poor LED light placement;
  • Gets hot with repetitive use.


Q: Should the nail path be lubricated like with other nail guns?
A: Yes. Whenever you clean the nail path, lubricate it with a small amount of tool oil.

Q: Is the Craftsman Cordless 23-Gauge Pin Nailer compatible with any brand of 23-Gauge nails?
A: Maybe. Craftsman recommends Bostich brand pin nails, but in my test I used multiple brands.

Final Verdict

The Craftsman Cordless 23-Gauge Pin Nailer impressed the heck out of me. Its combination of compressor-free portability, stout 1,100+ nail battery capacity and jam-free operation has me sold. Yeah, it has flaws, but all are easily overshadowed by its positives. Another impressive product from the Craftsman line.

Where to Buy

Craftsman Cordless 23 Gauge Nailer

The Craftsman Cordless 23-Gauge Pin Nailer is available at Lowe’s (tool only) and Ace Hardware (battery and charger included).

Buy Now

This Might Just Be the Best Utility Knife You’ll Ever Own Wed, 21 Sep 2022 18:25:01 +0000 Every household should have a basic toolbox with a few of the most commonly used tools — a hammer, a few screwdrivers, a set of hex keys, some pliers and so on. If I was putting a toolbox together, I’d include two more: a tape measure and a quality utility knife.

I’ve used utility knives at nearly every job I’ve ever had. From breaking down boxes as a teenager in a fast food restaurant to scoring and cutting drywall in recent years, a utility knife has proved valuable again and again.

Not long ago, while browsing the aisles of my local home center acquiring materials for a weekend roofing project, the Irwin ProFlip Utility Knife caught my eye. Roofing offered the perfect test of a utility knife’s quality and durability, so I purchased one and gave it a try.

What Is the Irwin Pro Flip Utility Knife?

The Irwin ProFlip gets its name from the trademarked ProFlip mechanism, which lets the user quickly open and close the knife one-handed. Other key features include a protected blade change button that prevents accidental blade releases, onboard blade storage, and a sturdy metal belt clip to keep it with you at all times.

I immediately noted the bright blue knife’s comfort and durability, and how easily and smoothly it opened and closed. Then I took it up on the roof.

How We Tested It

hand using a Irwin Pro Flip Utility Knife to cut roof shingles

I assembled a roofing crew of experienced friends, brothers-in-law and nephews. By mid-morning Saturday, rain had abated and we were ready to go.

After tear off, we laid down nearly 1,500-sq.-ft. of ice and water barrier and synthetic underlayment. This would be the easiest action the Irwin ProFlip would see all weekend, but its comfortable grip and stout belt clip were already noticeable.

I used the Irwin ProFlip more as we started shingling, first by cutting the tabs off the shingles to make starter strips, then by trimming sections from each shingle for proper lateral spacing.

I’ve long been a fan of folding utility knives. However, on many occasions a weak hinge in the center tends to be the knife’s downfall. The Irwin ProFlip did not have this issue. It cut through shingle after shingle with incredible strength and precision, without any play or movement at its pivot point.

After a day and a half of roofing, the only task remaining was trimming the long, hanging shingles from the gabled ends of the house. This is a Goliath task for any utility knife, and the Irwin ProFlip shined.

Thick asphalt shingles tend to destroy blades almost every five minutes, so having a quick blade change lever and onboard blade storage came in handy. The change lever worked splendidly, though I wish it held more than one spare blade.

Reliability and durability are crucial to a job like this, and the Irwin ProFlip passed with flying colors. I’m happy to keep the Irwin ProFlip in my toolbox for its next task.

What I Like

  • Comfortable grip;
  • Strong belt clip;
  • Sturdy hinge;
  • Helpful quick blade release lever;
  • Reliable and durable;
  • Onboard blade storage.

What I Didn’t Like

  • The onboard blade storage can only hold one extra blade.


Q: Can the blade be retracted for safety?

A: Yes. When folded, its sharp blade is safely contained.

Q: The knife’s hinge stops midway through the opening process. Why?

A: This reveals the protected blade change lever. By designing the Pro Flip this way, Irwin prevents you from accidentally releasing the blade in the middle of a cut.

Final Verdict

Honestly, the Irwin Pro Flip is one of the best utility knives I’ve ever used. It’s comfortable, user-friendly and well-built, with convenient features like a quick change blade lever, sturdy hinge and belt clip. I’m impressed, and I’m confident you’ll be as well.

Where to Buy

Irwin Pro Flip Utility Knife

The Irwin ProFlip Utility Knife is available at Lowe’s and online at

Buy Now

Unlock Convenience and Versatility with This 20-Piece Hex Key Set Wed, 14 Sep 2022 20:30:05 +0000 Hex keys, Allen keys or Allen wrenches all refer to the same six-sided tool included with every piece of ready-to-assemble furniture from Walmart, Target, IKEA or Wayfair.

The name Allen derives from the Allen Manufacturing Company, which made a six-sided hex bolt and wrench as early as 1910. Eventually, the term Allen wrench became as common a reference for any hex key as Kleenex for facial tissue and Sawzall for a reciprocating saw.

More relevant than the tool’s name is its shape. Hex keys have the familiar L-shape for a reason. You insert the short leg of the “L” into its appropriate fastener, then apply the torque by turning the long leg. Hex keys can apply much more torque than a screwdriver with a much lower profile, so it can fit into and tighten fasteners in places a screwdriver can’t access.

But therein lies the problem. What if you need to reach deep between components of your car or motorcycle engine to loosen a hex bolt? That requires an adapter for your drill or a separate set of T-handle hex keys.

Mindful of this dilemma, Craftsman created the Craftsman 20-piece L-to-T Hex Key Set, which includes a T-handle adapter for quick and easy conversion from an L-to-T hex key. I had some mountain bike maintenance to do and a pergola kit that needed assembly, so I decided to pick up a set at my local home store and give it a try.

What is the Craftsman 20-Piece L-to-T Hex Key Set?

Craftsman’s 20-Piece L-to-T Hex Key Set consists of two 10-piece sets. One is metric, with hex keys ranging from 1.5- to 10-mm. The other is standard, ranging from 1/16- to 3/8-inch.

The black oxide coated steel hex key set comes neatly packaged in a hinged storage rack. A T-handle adapter nestles between the folded rows of hex keys. In just a few seconds, an L hex key can be converted to a T-handle by placing it in its corresponding sized opening and snapping the handle closed.

Craftsman’s Hex Key Set looks and feels strong and durable. The hinged tool racks — black for standard and red for metric — help you quickly identify the right sets when you’re searching through your toolbox.

How We Tested It

craftsman 20 Piece L To T Hex Key Set test

Rather than going with the cheap three-inch hex key provided with the aluminum pergola kit, I decided to try a few from the Craftsman 20-Piece L-to-T Hex Key Set. The pergola kit had more than 150 hex bolts. I intended to only use the Craftsman 20-Piece L-to-T Hex Key Set. But after hand turning more than 50 fasteners, I chucked a drill with the right-sized bits to expedite the project.

If I’m building a ready-to-assemble product, I always loosely drive all the bolts first to align everything, then tighten them all at the end. While I didn’t use the Craftsman Hex Key Set to drive every thread of every bolt. I did hand-drive more than 50 of the bolts, and did a final torque-down on them all.

As expected, the Craftsman Hex Key Set performed well. Each hex key fit snugly and without slop in all pergola bolt heads. The T-handle adapter is a clever idea that works well. A slight amount of play exists inside the T-handle adapter, but nothing that would cause problems.

As for the fat-tire and mountain bikes, I had to grease the seat posts and remove handlebar components to narrow the handle bars for tight singletrack trails. You should use a torque wrench to tighten the bike’s lightweight alloy components. But the Craftsman Hex Key Set worked perfectly to remove them.

It’s fortunate the Craftsman Hex Key Set includes all the common standard and metric hex keys, since I seem to use nearly every one when I’m working on my bikes.


  • No need for two sets of hex keys;
  • Easy to transport and store;
  • Well made;
  • Easy to use.


  • A little play in the T-handle adapter.


Q: Does each key have a stamp indicating its size on it?

A: Yes.

Q: What is the “ball” end on the hex key for?

A: A ball end makes it easier to insert the key into the receiving hex slot. In blind or difficult-to-reach areas, or in situations where the bolt is close to an obstruction, a ball end lets you to reach the needed wrenching position at an unnatural angle.

What Others Had To Say

Verified purchaser Manuel writes in his five-star Amazon review: “It’s hard to overstate the functionality and versatility of these tools. Having the ability to turn them into a T-handle makes every job a breeze.”  

BumbuliKid had this to say on a review: “The Craftsman hex key set has two advantages. First, the holder is well marked and keeps the keys organized. Second, they have an ingenious T-handle built into the set that you can use to get a good grip on tightening the hex-head screw or bolt.”

Final Verdict

Every homeowner should have a hex key set, and this Craftsman 20-Piece L-to-T Hex Key Set is one of the finest. It’s precisely made of quality materials, easy to use and transport, and effortlessly switches into a T-handle style in no time. Mandatory for any toolbox.

Where to Buy

The Craftsman 20-Piece L-to-T Hex Key Set is available from Lowe’s and

Buy Now

Throw Some Shade into Your Yard with This Easy, Affordable Pergola Kit Mon, 12 Sep 2022 20:46:41 +0000 Adding a pergola kit to your backyard space is a simple way to create some shade, boost your home’s curb appeal and spruce up an existing deck or patio.

Pergola kits come in many sizes and materials, costing from a few hundred to more than ten thousand dollars. So when I came across one on Amazon for about $500, I bought a Purple Leaf Pergola Kit and had it shipped my way.

What is the Purple Leaf Pergola Kit?

Purple Leaf Pergola Kits feature dark gray powder coated aluminum. They’re available in 10- x 10-ft., 10 -x 12-ft. and 10- x 13-ft. footprints, all eight feet tall. They also come with a retractable UV-protectant fabric sunshade in a choice of four colors.

For my sparse concrete patio, I chose the 10- x 12-ft. kit with a gray fabric sunshade. It shipped from China in a single 94-lb. box, plump-full of pieces. A single bag contained a plethora of hardware, including Allen wrenches.

How We Tested It


On a weekday afternoon with no rain or other obligations, I assembled the Purple Leaf Pergola Kit over my poured concrete patio.

Upon reading the instructions, it became evident the 3-mm Allen wrench wasn’t hefty enough drive the 150+ bolts. Instead, I outfitted a drill with a 3-mm bit and dialed back the torque control far enough to prevent stripping out the bolt holes.

Then I set up my work area. You’ll need a pair of sawhorses or something similar to support all these long aluminum components. I rolled out my mechanic’s stool and built the long pieces across the two halves of the kit’s large box, which worked fine.

While assembling the four corner posts on the ground, the thinness of the aluminum walls concerned me. I grabbed my caliper and found out it was 18-gauge, a hair thinner than a cookie sheet. The process reminded me of building an IKEA cabinet, complete with plastic fastener covers that match the exterior color.

Continuing on, I used plywood scraps and wood clamps to hold the corner posts in place until I could get the outside beams and rafters together and secured. The instructions say a helper makes this step easier, but I didn’t have one available.

As soon as the three center rafters were in place, I hung the polyester fabric sunshade on its rollers. I went around with a T-handle Allen wrench, hand-tightening all the screws and placing the plastic color-matching covers over their heads. Almost six hours later, the kit was complete!

Given the cost, I was surprised at how well the finished product turned out. Though the sunshade doesn’t roll super-smoothly and I’ll likely lose some of the plastic bolt head covers, it’s a good looking, visually appealing addition to our patio.

My biggest concern? It’s really lightweight, so it rattles when the wind blows, and I’ll hold my breath whenever someone leans on it. However, I’m confident it will withstand the elements just fine.

What I Like

  • Value;
  • Single, compact shipment;
  • Zero maintenance aluminum finish;
  • Easy to assemble;
  • Looks great.

What I Dislike

  • Thin gauge aluminum construction;
  • Inadequate tools provided, unless you have all day.


Q: Is it possible to hang curtains in this pergola?

A: Yes. A wide selection of aftermarket pergola curtains would work well.

Q: The retractable awning must be removed for winter. Is that a long process?

A: It took about 15 minutes to put it up. I would anticipate taking it down for winter would take about the same amount of time. Keep the metric Allen wrench and instruction manual handy in case you need to refer to them.

What Others Thought

Darlene, who purchased the kit on Wayfair with the khaki colored sunshade, writes: “It came in and was amazed at the packaging it was in great shape. Husband put it up by himself. For the money I think we have done very well. Seems to be good quality. We shall see in a year of Texas heat and wind how it fairs. So far so good.”

And in Paul Dinardi’s Amazon review, he writes: “My only complaint and why it’s not getting five stars, the [gauge] on the material is very very thin, pretty close to downspout gutter material, reinforced at seams by plates … Overall, we’re very happy, but it’s absolutely quantified by the price. I’d certainly like an option to pay a little more for better quality materials, but the design is great, easy to assemble.”

Final Verdict

Purple Leaf Pergola Kits are a terrific choice if you’re looking for something inexpensive and easy to assemble. No trips to the lumber yard or home center necessary. And while its construction is not robust as some may prefer, its sturdy nature and maintenance-free aluminum design will ensure it stays in great shape well into the future.

Where to Buy

Purple Leaf Pergola Kits are available on and

Buy Now

Save Your Joints with These Flexible Knee Pads for DIYers Fri, 02 Sep 2022 16:08:10 +0000 Comfort is of the utmost importance, especially when you’re engaged in a flooring, baseboard or plumbing project. For these tasks and others, including roofing and landscaping, a quality set of knee pads is essential to do the job well, comfortably and safe.

With some baseboard to install and a roofing project pending, I picked up a set of the Kobalt Comfort Flex Stabilizer Knee Pads to try out, hoping to avoid hobbling around for days after each project.

What Are Kobalt Comfort Flex Stabilizer Knee Pads?

The Kobalt Comfort Flex Stabilizer Knee Pads feature a durable, clear plastic waterproof outer shell with a grippy and flat stabilizing front footprint. The knee sits cozily inside the black high-memory gel interior pad and stays in place with two easily adjustable rubber straps.

I immediately found a lot to like. The pads felt soft, flexible and appropriately sized. Plus, they’re waterproof.

How We Tested It

close up of a man wearing cobalt knee pads outside in the grass

With my roofing project delayed a few weeks, I found plenty of use for these Kobalt knee pads. A windstorm tore off the top of one of our trees, which had to be broken down. I also rolled around on the garage floor changing the oil and rotating the tires on my pickup.


After both projects and the baseboard trim install, I can attest to the stability, gel comfort and waterproofness of these Kobalt Comfort Flex Stabilizer Knee Pads.

The straps held them securely in place while I changed my oil and cut my baseboard to the proper length. I don’t recommend wearing them with shorts. The non-slip rubber straps tend to pinch and pull leg hairs.

I appreciated the waterproofing while piecing up the treetop in our backyard after the rainstorm. This will also be true for any future plumbing projects. The 20-sq.-in. flat stabilizing footprint did just that, keeping me stable on one knee while running the chainsaw or shooting trim nails in the baseboard.

The biggest issue I had involved the placement of the strap’s bottom rivet on the knee pad. The lower attachment points are riveted through the durable exterior shell and the interior gel pad. When moving around for long stretches, the rigid plastic back of the rivet rubbed the skin under the knee. It became so uncomfortable I removed the pads for short periods.

If you have skinnier legs than me or wore lined pants, this wouldn’t be a problem. However, with my chubby frame and a standard pair of Levi’s, it was definitely something to note.

In my experience with the Kobalt Comfort Flex Stabilizer Knee Pads, the rubber straps — my initial area of concern — are showing some wear but still holding up well. I feel confident they will be sufficient for at least a handful of future projects, if not more.


  • Incredibly stable;
  • Securely held in place;
  • Comfy soft gel interior pad;
  • Waterproof.


  • Poorly designed lower strap attachment points;
  • Uncomfortable with shorts.


Q: Can I get different sizes of the Kobalt Comfort Flex Stabilizer Knee Pads?

A: No. There is only one size available.

Q: Does Kobalt sell replacement leg straps?

A: Kobalt does not. There are, however, aftermarket straps available on Amazon that might work.

Final Verdict

If you’re a DIYer looking for a set of stable, comfortable and waterproof knee pads to have on hand, the Kobalt Comfort Flex Stabilizer Knee Pads are a great choice. They’re perfect for any small task around the home or yard and will keep you from feeling sore when the day is done. Your knees will thank you.

Where to Buy

Kobalt Knee Pads

The Kobalt Comfort Flex Stabilizer Knee Pads are available at Lowe’s.

Buy Now

This Digital Torque Wrench Adapter Is Essential for DIY Mechanics Thu, 01 Sep 2022 22:05:57 +0000 Perhaps I’m a tinkerer at heart. I may also be a bit frugal. But whenever something mechanical I own needs a repair, I try to do it myself.

If it’s a big job like replacing the rear differential in my truck. I don’t have the time, space or confidence to tackle it. But for smaller issues with my bicycle, lawn mower, snowblower, boat, motorcycle or family vehicles, I try to fix them myself.

It usually doesn’t take many tools. An adjustable wrench, socket set, breaker bar, mallet, torque wrench and a willingness to get grease under your fingers is all you need.

Of those tools, a torque wrench is the least common, but it’s essential. It lets you apply the right amount of torque to a bolt without over- or under-tightening it.

Torque wrenches come in various styles and ratings. Some are best for ultralight carbon fiber bicycle components, others for heavy-duty farm or construction equipment.

While visiting a friend, I came across his Performance Tool M206 Digital Torque Adapter, a torque tool attachment with a scale that would be just right for my needs. So I ordered one up and gave it a try.

What is the Performance Tool M206 Digital Torque Adapter?

The Performance Tool M206 Digital Torque Adapter is a small, lime-shaped attachment that converts your standard 1/2-inch socket handle or breaker bar into a torque wrench with a rotating digital readout.

It measures between 30- and 150-ft/lb of torque and provides an accurate measurement of within 2%, with five units (kg/cm, kg/m, ft/lb, in/lb, N/m) to choose from. Any 1/2-in. socket can work with the digital torque adapter. It also includes adapters for 3/8-in. and 1/4-in. sockets.

The adapter features a programmable interface with ten adjustable pre-set values, and informs you audibly and visually when those values have been reached. The kit comes nicely packaged in a durable storage case.

How We Tested It

using a Performance Tool Digital Torque Adapter on a tire

The Performance Tool M206 Digital Torque Adapter came at the right time. Our cars needed their tires rotated, and my motorcycle was almost ready for end-of-summer routine maintenance. I was eager to play around with its programmable interface, and see how well it worked with different drive sockets and their adapters.


First, I tested the Performance Tool M206 Digital Torque Adapter’s accuracy. The manufacturer claims the torque wrench is accurate to +/-2%, which would be astonishing, since my much older click torque wrench is only accurate to +/-4%.

It was a relatively simple test. I clamped an old, inexpensive, deep well socket to the table in a pipe wrench so it couldn’t rotate. Then I attached the Performance Tool M206 Digital Torque Adapter to the secured socket and my breaker bar to its end.

From the end of the breaker bar I hung 36 lbs. worth of dumbbells and a lightweight bag, which came out to exactly 36.16 lbs. The Performance Tool Digital Torque Adapter read 39.9 ft./lb. of torque.

Then I had to remember some high school physics and pulled out a calculator.

Torque = Lever Length 13-3/8-inches (from pivot point to the bottom knob of my 14-inch breaker bar) x Force 36.16-lbs. (weights and bag).

So 13.375 x 36.16 = 483.64 in/lb of torque. Calculate the ft./lb. by dividing the in./lb. number by 12 and BOOM!!! 40.3 ft./lb. of torque, accurate by 1%. Quite impressive, I must say.

I repeated experiment several times with other heavy objects like brake rotors and bricks. In every case, the Performance Tool M206 Digital Torque Adapter was accurate +/-2%.


Then it was out to the garage to work on the vehicles.

Rotating the tires on our cars was a breeze. Once I programmed the torque settings for my wife’s Subaru and my truck, I removed the lug nuts and switched the wheels. Then I realized the Digital Torque Adapter could read torque in clockwise and counterclockwise directions — a handy feature, though I’m not sure how often it’ll get used.

Using the Digital Torque Adapter, we rotated both sets of tires quickly and hassle-free. Now we have the torque settings saved for future rotations.

On my motorcycle I had to change the oil and access the valves, which meant removing some covers and guards attached with delicate screws and bolts. In this instance, I freehanded it without presetting any of torque settings because the document I found online laid out the torque values I needed. This was slightly more challenging due to the erratic behavior of the digital gauge when I applied torque.

After a bit of patience and feathering each bolt, the Digital Torque Adapter handled all the tasks we asked of it with ease. The smaller 1/4-inch and 3/8-inch drive sockets and adapters were especially useful for these tasks.

Ease of use

While I wouldn’t describe the Digital Torque Adapter as difficult to use, I also wouldn’t describe it as user-friendly, either.

Although there are only five buttons, a quick glance at the readout reveals a lot of programmable data such as torque, units and more. Let’s just say I won’t be discarding the owner’s manual anytime soon, because I’m sure I’ll have to re-reference it at some point.


  • Compact;
  • Works with 1/2-, 3/8-, and 1/4-inch drive sockets;
  • Really accurate;
  • Programmable presets;
  • Storage case and adapters included.


  • A lot of programmable info to process;
  • Readout seems erratic when presets aren’t used.


Q : This Digital Torque Adapter is only compatible with 1/2-inch drive sockets and breaker bars. Are they made for 3/8-inch drive?

A: No.

Q: Do your saved torque presets disappear when you replace the battery?

A: No, battery changes do not affect their programming.

What Others Had To Say

In a five-star Amazon review, MWD writes, “Handy and accurate … Understanding the buttons to get to the features is a bit tricky but once understood this is a nice unit. … I checked its readings against two other torque wrenches and they are all either accurate to my needs or all off the same amount across the usable scale. I call it a win-win.” 

Amazon verified purchaser WVUFAN4LIFE gets right to the point, writing, “Worth the money!” and “Great product for those hard to reach places.”

Final Verdict

If you’re just starting out with DIY mechanical maintenance, or you’re looking for a compact and precise substitute for traditional torque wrench, give the Performance Tool M206 Digital Torque Adapter a try.

It’s extremely accurate, works with all standard socket sizes, and can be programmed to save the exact torque settings required for your vehicle. Moreover, the durable plastic storage case ensures it will last for years to come.

Where to Buy

Performance Tool Digital Torque Adapter

The Performance Tool M206 Digital Torque Adapter is available at

Buy Now

Unclog Drains with Ease Using This Power Drum Auger Fri, 19 Aug 2022 17:27:18 +0000 Plumbing projects are rarely planned. That was certainly the case when I stopped by my mother’s 1930s bungalow to find a four-foot-wide puddle of standing water surrounding the basement floor drain.

I spoke to her retired plumber cousin over the phone, and he diagnosed the problem as a clog in the floor drain pipe rather than something more serious. But before she called another plumber for a quick $100+ cleanout, I brought over my recently acquired Cobra Tools Pistol-Grip Power Drum Auger to see if I could break up the clog myself.

What is the Cobra Tools Pistol-Grip Power Drum Auger?

The Cobra Tools Pistol-Grip Power Drum Auger is a 25-foot-long steel cable drum auger that clears sink, shower and tub drains up to three inches in diameter. It features an easy-to-use quick lever cable lock and a center balanced pistol grip that makes control and operation more comfortable.

The tool can be operated by hand or attached to a drill. The 1/4-in.-dia. high-carbon steel cable provides adequate leverage for the majority of household clogs.

The Cobra Tools Power Drum Auger is light and comfortable to hold. Strong and well-made, the quick-flip cable lock and sharp pointed cable gave me confidence it could handle even the toughest drain obstruction.

How We Tested It

I bought the Cobra Tools Power Drum Auger because I was sick of standing in ankle-deep water standing in my aging bathtub as I showered. A week later I learned of my mother’s basement floor drain predicament, giving me two worthy tests just days apart.

How it Works

Unclogging drains is a messy job. But with the Cobra Tools Power Drum Auger, I was done in a matter of minutes.

In both cases I attached my cordless drill to the drum auger and plunged the rotary tip of the cable into the depth of the pipe. I didn’t use chemicals at all, so I felt safe operating the drum auger with just some thin rubber gloves and grungy work clothes.

Once I placed the Cobra Tools Power Drum Auger cable down the pipe, I pushed it by hand until I felt resistance from a bend in the pipe or the mass clogging it. With about 10 inches of the cable sticking out of the drain, I kept downward pressure on the pistol grip and slowly feathered the trigger of my cordless drill. This ensured the sharp pointed end of the tip burrowed into the obstruction, or made its way around the bend.

For a clog far down the pipe, the quick lever cable locking switch comes in really handy, since it needs to lock at each obstacle encountered.

Once I found and breached the clog, the backed-up water slowly drained. I learned years ago not to pull out the auger too soon. Instead, I made a couple of extra turns with my drill to ensure it locked into the obstruction. Then pulled the drum auger cable back. This method helps you bring all the debris to the surface. If you don’t, you may find yourself repeating this process a few weeks later.

Ease of Use

With the Cobra Tools Power Drum Auger and most other augers, slow and steady works best. Most people set their drill at an excessive speed or try to shove the cable down the pipe too quickly. That can cause it to back up on itself, especially in larger diameter pipes.

Feed it slowly until you feel an obstruction. Flip the locking switch and slowly turn it with your drill at a low speed. Stick with this plan and the Cobra Tools Power Drum Auger will unclog the drain in half the time it takes to remember your Wi-Fi password.


Just having a plumber show up at your residence will run you well over a hundred bucks. With the Cobra Tools Power Drum Auger costing less than $40, I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t keep a drum auger on hand to try to break through a stubborn clog. If the clog is too substantial, then call in the professionals.


  • Clears pipes up to three inches in diameter;
  • Quick lever cable lock;
  • Easy to use;
  • Inexpensive;
  • Works with any drill.


  • Unclogging drains is a messy task.


Q: Is the Cobra Tools Power Drum Auger compatible with any drill?

A: Yes, as long as it features an adjustable chuck.

Q: Can you use this to unclog a toilet?

A: No. This cable may scratch the porcelain. The Cobra Tools Power Drum Auger is best for smaller diameter pipes like sinks, tubs and shower drains.

Final Verdict

A drum auger is an essential piece of equipment for any homeowner. They’re an easy, cost-effective solution for most common drain problems.
The Cobra Tools Power Drum Auger is the perfect choice for a messy job. The next time your sink or shower backs up, you’ll be happy and thankful you have one.

Where to Buy

Cobra 1 4 In X 25 Ft Music Wire Drain Auger

The Cobra Tools Pistol-Grip Power Drum Auger is available at Lowe’s or Ace Hardware.

Buy Now

Spend More Time Outdoors with This Chemical-Free Mosquito Repellent Thu, 18 Aug 2022 21:09:06 +0000 Labeled the world’s deadliest animal by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mosquitoes were out in record numbers across the U.S. this year due to increased rain and warmer weather.

In northern Minnesota, where I spend many of my weekends, I can’t remember a year when the mosquitoes were this terrible. All summer long we’ve experimented with new and different insect repellents, fogging methods and anything else to limit my family’s itchy bites. Nothing worked.

So I started scouring the internet for mosquito extermination options and found the Skeeter Hawk Fly Trap. I ordered one up and tested it to see if it could be the thing to save our summer.

What Is the Skeeter Hawk Fly Trap?

The Skeeter Hawk Large Fly Trap lures, captures and kills mosquitoes, gnats, house flies, horseflies and many other flying insects. The dual-band, bright blue LED UV light attracts them, and the ultra-quiet fan draws them to the canister where they die from dehydration.

Roughly 16 inches tall, it plugs into a conventional 110-volt outlet. A fold-down hanging hook makes it easy to keep out of the way, indoors or outdoors. And a single power button and twist-lock insect dehydration canister make it extremely user-friendly. Skeeter Hawk Large Fly Traps protect large rooms, yards, pools, patios and decks without chemicals or continuous buzzing.

How We Tested It

With the summer winding down, I packed up the family for a quiet August weekend at a small northern Minnesota cabin. Since my in-laws are also staying there, I brought the Skeeter Hawk Fly Trap to help keep the mosquitoes away during outdoor meals and patio sessions with us and our new baby, their newest grandchild.

I was eager to determine how well the the fly trap worked, whether the sound or brightness were nuisances, and how easily I could dispose of the dead insects.


First off, the Skeeter Hawk Fly Trap is really bright. I plugged the fly trap into an outlet roughly 20 feet from where we gathered. Then I noticed the power cord was only five feet long. If I placed it on one of our hanging plant hooks, I needed an extension cord to reach the outlet. So I put it on a table instead.

With the sun high in the sky, the bright blue light from the trap was only slightly noticeable. But as the sun slowly dipped below the horizon, the light became more apparent and eye-piercing. I had to move the Fly Trap to an outlet further away.

We still got chewed up a few times by the mosquitos, possibly due to the distance between the Skeeter Hawk Fly Trap and our group — almost 40 feet. Or not; the manufacturer recommends using insect repellent along with with the Fly Trap.

During the gathering, I strolled by the trap a few times and found it covered with various flying insects. The fan runs whisper quiet. Without the bright blue light, you’d never know the Skeeter Hawk Fly Trap was working.

We carried on well past sundown. After nearly six hours I turned off the trap, unplugged it and headed in with the family for the night.


cleaning bugs from the bottom of the skeeter hawk fly trap

The next morning when I checked the dehydration canister, I could barely believe my eyes. I found a solid, almost 1/2-inch thick patty of bugs, mostly mosquitoes. Surprised, I made the mistake of opening the canister, allowing many insects escape to freedom.

I knew I shouldn’t have done that. It states clearly in the instructions to wait two days to open the canister after use. But I was wowed by its effectiveness.

Cleanup was a breeze. I scraped out the pile of partially dead bugs with a stick and wiped it down with a wet towel. Clearly, this trap catches bugs.


  • Productive at capturing insects;
  • Whisper quiet;
  • Good for many flying pests species;
  • Easy to use:
  • No chemicals or swapping out cartridges.


  • Short power cord;
  • Bright;
  • You may still get bitten.


Q: Can the Skeeter Hawk Fly Trap run on batteries if there’s no outlet available?

A: No, it requires a wall outlet.

Q: Do the Fly Traps come in any other sizes or colors?

A: There are two sizes of Skeeter Hawk Fly Traps: small and large. They’re only available with a gray body and blue LED lights.

What Other Reviewers Had To Say

Gina, on, liked the product. “I have to empty it once or twice a week. It gets the bugs,” she writes.

But Mombudget, a reviewer, wasn’t enamored with it. She writes: “We bought the Area Mosquito Trap that’s suppose to catch mosquitoes and flies. It’s suppose to cover up to one acre. We are getting eaten alive by mosquitoes and still have tons of flies. The area affected is less than an acre.”

Final Verdict

I used the fly trap on consecutive nights with the same results. We still got bitten a few times, but nothing like we might have without it. Plus, there’s peace of mind knowing the canister was packed with bugs after each evening stint.

Though the bright blue LED lights aren’t ideal for creating atmosphere, they’re perfect at attracting unwanted insects and keeping them away for good.

Where to Buy

Skeeter Hawk Fly Trap

Skeeter Hawk Fly Traps are available directly from You can also get it from Walmart and other retailers.

Buy Now

The Headlamp I Never Knew I Needed Tue, 09 Aug 2022 21:04:15 +0000 We all know the importance of proper lighting to any DIY project. In most cases, portable and tripod mounted work lights are fine. But in tight quarters, like under your kitchen sink or the crawlspace of your home, there’s no substitute for a quality headlamp.

I’ve owned the same $20 headlamp for the past decade, though I kept hearing about the advances and benefits of new age, high-tech headlamps. So I decided to give the Fenix HM65R headlamp a try.

What Is The Fenix HM65r Headlamp?

The Fenix HM65r headlamp features two ultra bright lights that emit up to 1,400 lumens of neutral white light. The spotlight and the flood light are independently controlled and powered by the 18650 rechargeable battery. The magnesium alloy body weighs less than aluminum, but still resists impact and is waterproof to a depth of six feet, according to the manufacturer.

The lightweight perforated reflective headband and removable top headband fit snugly and comfortably on my large head. And it weighs nearly the same as my cheap headlamp with its two clunky AA batteries.

How We Tested It

I brought the Fenix HM65R camping twice in three weeks. I tested its many light settings via basic navigation of our campsites at night. I also left it on overnight several times to assess the battery’s longevity on different settings.

You might think I’m crazy, but I also dropped it off the end of the dock into the lake while it was on! I wanted to test whether it was truly waterproof, and whether it would still function well after such a trial.

Performance Review


This is the nicest headlamp I’ve ever used. The wider flood light helps for close tasks like reading in your sleeping bag or rifling through the cooler at night. The incredibly bright spotlight offers a longer, tighter beam.

Turn on both lights for the all-encompassing, 1,400 lumen beam. It’s ideal for when your buddy swears he just saw “something huge move right over there!” or while you’re finishing your nightcap around the fire pit.

Battery Life

The battery life is more than adequate for the jobsite or outdoor adventures.

After leaving each light on overnight, on medium or low, the Fenix HM65R still illuminated brightly in the morning. However, the battery depleted quickly when I left both lights on, or left one on high. And I only got about 3-1/2 hours out of the battery at the full 1,400 lumens, which was plenty.

As a bonus, if you misplace your USB-c charging cord or lack an electrical outlet, the Fenix HM65R can also run off two CR123a single use, primary batteries in a pinch.


The waterproof test was pleasantly surprising if slightly stressful. I tied a rope to the Fenix HM65R, turned it on and dropped it a little more than 40 inches onto the sandy bottom of the lake. I stood in awe as the non-flickering headlamp gleamed through the darkish green water.

I waited four long minutes, expecting the light to extinguish at any moment. It never did. I pulled it back to the surface, and after a quick wipe down with a towel it was back to business as usual.

Quality Costs More

I’ve functioned perfectly well with my $20, AA battery-eating headlamp for years. But the Fenix HM65R is a far superior product, even at five times the price of my old headlamp. The Fenix HM65R’s rechargeable, long-lasting, comfortable and bright features are absolutely worth the cost and the upgrade.

Why You Should Buy This

Whether you work in a trade requiring frequent headlamp use or you’re an avid outdoor enthusiast always on the water, give the Fenix HM65R a try. It’s the headlamp I never knew I wanted or needed.

Where to Buy

The Fenix HM65R is available from, or at

Buy Now

This Is Our Favorite Tape Measure Thu, 04 Aug 2022 16:10:29 +0000 I’ve been asked what seems like a thousand times which of my tools is my favorite. For years, my answer was my full-sized, 1-3/4-horsepower router. Why? Its versatility, and the way it’s helped me out of numerous sticky situations.

Early in the pandemic, when I was out and about for the first time in several weeks, I made an uncharacteristic impulse buy in the checkout line of my local home center that ultimately changed my standard answer. I bought one of those three-foot-long keychain tape measures.

It was astonishing at how often I used it. Measuring doorways when moving friends. Checking out new arrivals at the antique stores. Even making a chalk free throw line for the neighbor kids in the alley.

My fondness for tape measures around the shop took off at the same time. Quickly I realized the depth of the FastCap ProCarpenter line of tape measures. I owned one for years, but never realized there were multiple models and sizes. I picked up a few and have used them ever since.

What Are FastCap ProCarpenter Tape Measures?

FastCap ProCarpenter Tape Measures come in five high-contrast, one-inch-wide tape blade styles. All FastCap ProCarpenter Tape Measures include innovative features like an onboard pencil sharpener, erasable notepad, dual locking levers and a durable steel belt clip.

Lengths range from six to thirty feet. A few specialty models measure curved surfaces, locate the center point and even adapt to left-handedness.

A black rubber cast body makes the tape measures comfortable to grasp and easy to use. They also feature a different color ring for each blade style, so you can easily identify them in a tool chest drawer.

How We Tested It

I’ve been using my FastCap ProCarpenter Tape Measures for more than two years, around the shop and on the jobsite. They accompanied me to the high desert of New Mexico, the hills of West Virginia, and even the rain forests of Puerto Rico. Each time I returned with a new reason to love them.

Performance Review

Around the shop I have three blade styles. The standard reverse, or lefty/right, features standard measurements mirrored on the blade for easy reading from any angle. The metric reverse. And the metric/standard, which offers both.

The body of the tape measure and its recoiling spring are strong and well-built. I often drop the tape measure or wedge it between cabinets or framing members around the shop. In spite of that, the FastCap ProCarpenter Tape Measures have held up well.

I love the smooth nylon covering over the tape blade. It’s easier on the hands when the tape rapidly recoils and prevents rust from developing. The pencil sharpener is a welcome addition I use frequently, though it would be ideal if it accepted carpenter pencils.

The small erasable notepad on the front of the tape measure comes in handy when I need to remember obscure dimensions. It’s especially helpful when traveling long distances between your project and the cutting station.

With all these features, it would be understandable if these tape measures were more expensive than their rivals. However, they’re not. The FastCap ProCarpenter tape measures cost the same, if not slightly less than, other brands.

These tape measures have become a fundamental part of my work. I can’t imagine being without them.

Why You Should Buy This

These days, when I tell people my favorite tool is “a tape measure, without a doubt,” it’s usually followed by a puzzled look. Then I explain the multiple styles, innovative features and durable design of the FastCap ProCarpenter Tape Measures, and they’re quickly on board .

Where to Buy

FastCap ProCarpenter tape measures are available from The Home Depot and Amazon.

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This Rolling Toolbox Is the Perfect Companion for Any Job Tue, 02 Aug 2022 21:22:39 +0000 When choosing the right toolbox for your needs, an age-old dilemma comes into play. Do I go with a smaller, easier-to-haul toolbox and carry fewer tools? Or a larger, more cumbersome toolbox with every tool I need for any DIY project, but takes an army to move?

I’ve flip-flopped on this for years. At one point I lugged a toolbox so big and heavy I outfitted a furniture dolly with a custom-built rack, just so I could move it onto the jobsite.

These days, all the leading tool brands feature modular, rolling tool towers. After examining several at my local home center, I picked up DeWalt’s ToughSystem 2.0 Rolling Tower and put it through its paces.

What Is The DeWalt’s ToughSystem 2.0 Rolling Tower?

The DeWalt ToughSystem 2.0 Rolling Tower consists of three toolboxes: standard, extra-large, and an even bigger one with a rolling bottom. It comes with an adjustable handle and sturdy eight-inch wheels.

Tough System 2.0 toolboxes feature spring-loaded, auto-connect side latches enabling one-handed operation, along with durable metal front latches and a padlock hasp. The dust and water resistant set comes with two large organizer cups and two removable inner trays, letting you maximize your storage space. Best of all, the Rolling Tower is compatible with any Tough System product, past or present.

Straight out of the box, Rolling Tower feels steady, strong and well-built. The molded bee-colored plastic tower is roomy, measuring almost 40 inches tall while providing nearly five cubic feet of storage space for your tools and gear.

How We Tested It

I sought to determine its capacity, maneuverability and durability. In my test I loaded almost 100 pounds of tools and gear into the Rolling Tower. Then I took it up and down stairs, across uneven terrain, and even plunged it off my pickup’s tailgate.

Towards the end, I sprayed the ToughSysytem tower with my garden hose from every angle imaginable to assess its water resistance.

Fh22d Approved Dewalt Toolbox 07 28 007

Performance Review


My first impression while loading the Rolling Tower was how spacious it is. It easily fit all the cordless tools I usually bring to a jobsite in the bottom rolling unit alone. That included a drill driver combo, oscillating tool, handheld vacuum, random orbital sander, right angle drill, 18-gauge nailer, jigsaw, reciprocating saw and a circular saw. I loaded the batteries and charger as well, no problem.

I filled the large toolbox on top with hammers, wrenches, screwdrivers and pliers, as well as my corded belt sander and router. With just these two boxes filled, the Rolling Tower was definitely heavier and more cumbersome, yet still maneuverable.

Typically, I would save the top box for my delicate tools, pencils and instruments like tape measures, squares, levels, and chisels. But for testing purposes, I threw in some more non-delicate hand tools and filled the large storage cups with screws, dowels and biscuits.

Maneuverability and durability

At this point, after accounting for its 45-pound starting weight, the DeWalt Rolling Tower weighed approximately 144 pounds according to my bathroom scale. Though hefty, it still managed to roll smoothly up and down stairs and across bumpy terrain.

I could feel the Rolling Tower’s heavy weight stressing its adjustable handle when it tipped up before rolling, or going up and down stairs. Despite my slew of rigorous tests, the handle held firm. That surprised me.

I was most afraid of the tailgate test. Counting the curb height, the fall from the bed of my midsized pickup onto soft grass measured 22 inches — above and beyond what a full toolbox should handle.

I figured the auto-connecting side latches would be the weak point, either popping apart or breaking completely. But I was wrong. The Rolling Tower stood up to the abuse and came away unscathed.


I emptied every tool out of all three toolboxes and wiped them clean. If water seeped into the Rolling Tower, I wanted to notice it.

I pulled out my garden hose and put the sprayer on the most powerful jet setting. I soaked the tool tower for two solid minutes. Upon inspection, I found the DeWalt ToughSystem Tower to be legitimately waterproof.

However, I was disappointed to see a couple of drops trickle down from the lid and enter near the open boxes hinges. This isn’t that big of a concern, just something to be aware of if your box gets stuck out in the rain.

Why You Should Buy This

Though nothing is flawless, the DeWalt ToughSystem 2.0 Rolling Tool Tower is close. It’s well-made and roomy enough to carry every tool you can imagine in one easy-to-transport tower. Furthermore, it’s water- and dust-proof, excelling in tests beyond everyday use.

Easy to configure and disassemble, it includes plenty of compatible accessories. It’s backed by DeWalt’s Guaranteed Tough Lifetime Limited warranty. There isn’t much more a toolbox tower could offer.

Where to Buy

Dewalt Toughsystem 2.0 Small Tool Box With Bonus 22 In. Medium Tool Box And 24 In. Mobile Tool Box Ecomm

The DeWalt ToughSystem 2.0 Rolling Tool Tower is available at The Home Depot.

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Cut Through Yard Work with This Stihl Cordless Pruning Saw Thu, 28 Jul 2022 17:45:10 +0000 The summer after I moved into my home 13 years ago, I invested in a bunch of tree trimming tools and maintenance equipment. The double city lot I purchased included 14 mature trees that were in terrible shape. Several trees needed to be pruned or trimmed, and six had to come down due to disease, rot or overcrowding.

I bought a bow saw, pole saw, pruners, loppers and a gas chain saw. I did much of the work myself and hired a professional tree service to take out the big ones closest to the house.

These days, I don’t use those tools much except when a windstorm knocks down a limb or two. Instead of digging out the entire tree tool collection, I grabbed the Stihl GTA 26 Pruner to see if it would work for these small and medium branches and limbs.

What Is the Stihl GTA 26 Pruner?

The Stihl GTA 26 is a compact, handheld battery-operated pruner weighing 2.7 lbs. It’s got a condensed four-inch chain saw with a quarter-inch PM3 chain to make smooth cuts with next to no vibration.

It also features an LED display, safe trigger lockout switch and a comfortable ergonomic rubber grip. The Stihl GTA 26 ships with a powerful AS 2 battery, charger, lubricating oil and a carrying case.

Like other Stihl products, the GTA 26 pruner looks and feels sturdy and well-made. It even features a tiny version of their trademark bright orange guide bar scabbard to keep it safe and sound during storage or transport.

How We Tested It

I had a single limb come down from a maple tree during a recent storm. I broke it down with the Stihl pruner and took to the county compost heap for disposal.

While I was there, I asked the attendant if I could use his 20-foot tall pile of limbs and branches to further test the Shihl GTA 26. With his approval, I got after the pile, keeping a close eye on battery life, cuts made, and overall performance on different thicknesses and types of branches.

Performance Review


With the battery charged, I began cutting the downed maple limb in my yard. The limb was nearly 17 feet long and close to five inches in diameter at its fattest.

The GTA 26 pruner had no problem with this task. It cut up the branch in no time, though it required multiple passes and one rotation on the thick final cut. Though better on branches less than 2-1/2-in. thick, it handled thicknesses up to 3-1/2-in. in a single, methodical pass.

The Stihl GTA 26 was comfortable to carry and use, producing more cutting power than I expected from a compact battery operated pruner.

The same was true at the compost heap. Again, starting with a full battery, I performed 83 cuts over 29 minutes before the battery ran out. It again worked best on branches less than 2-1/2-in. thick. Unsurprisingly, it cut through softer woods like Pine and Aspen with no problem.


If you compare similar pruning products, you’ll quickly find are all roughly the same price when you include the battery and charger. However, the GTA 26 was the first of its kind in the U.S. market. Plus, Stihl is an industry leader in high-quality lawn and garden tools.

Although it may seem like you’re spending a lot on another garden tool in your collection, know that it’s a well-built and dependable one.

Reliability and durability

The reputation of Stihl tools has long been based on durability and dependability, and those traits held here. The GTA 26 looks and feels sturdy and strong. It features high quality, well-made components like the PM3 saw chain and stout AS 2 battery. If properly used and maintained, these will function for many years down the road.

Ease of Use

The trigger operated Stihl GTA 26 is as user friendly as they come. The LED display gives you up-to-the-second charge readings and tool status information.

There are also multiple safety components like a retractable chain guard and trigger lockout switch for ensuring safe operation. Even maintenance and lubrication on the GTA 26 is painless, thanks to the tool-less, single-wingnut bar and chain access.

Why You Should Buy This

The Stihl GTA 26 is ideal for light cutting around the yard. The foolproof, trigger operated pruner is lightweight, strong, agile and well-made.

The tool comes with everything you need to get it running. And it’s made by Stihl, one of the best known and respected brands in the field. Once you get your hands on one of these, you’ll never pick up your pruning shears, lopper or bow saw again.

Where to Buy

Stihl Gta 26 Battery Garden Pruner Kit Battery & Charger Ecomm

The Stihl GTA 26 pruner is available at Ace Hardware.

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Stay Shady with This Family Handyman Approved Sun Shirt Thu, 21 Jul 2022 13:18:11 +0000 Sun protection isn’t just for roofers and landscapers. It’s a must for everyone out there who likes to spend time in the yard, on the boat, riding a motorcycle or firing up a smoker.

Personally, I’m diligent about applying sunscreen. At least, I thought I was. But after succumbing to the dermatologist’s scalpel, I’ve learned I don’t reapply nearly as much as I should, and rarely have sunscreen available when I need more.

Because of this, I started a small collection of UV protective clothing. After noticing Dickies made a line of warm weather work wear, I ordered one of their sun shirts and gave it a try.

What Is The Dickies Temp-iQ Cooling Performance Long Sleeve Sun Shirt?

This Dickies Temp-iQ Cooling Performance Long Sleeve Sun Shirt, made of 60% polyester and 40% cotton, is built to withstand the abuse summer outdoor activities can bring. It features a built-up, raglan neckline, teamed with UPF 40+ sun protection to keep harmful rays at bay no matter the conditions.

The advanced Temp-iQ intelligent cooling fabric effectively controls your core body temperature while wicking away moisture, keeping you cool and dry. It features a comfortable hood and anchor thumb-holes to provide extra coverage for your head and hands. There’s also a appreciated chest pocket so you don’t misplace your carpenter’s pencil or ear plugs around the jobsite.

The Dickies Temp-iQ Long Sleeve Performance Sun Shirt comes in five colors and sizes from small to 4-XL.

How We Tested It

I ordered the Dickies sun shirt right before a ten-day heat wave in the middle of July. I had no specific outdoor projects in mind to test the shirt, but plenty of menial daily tasks to put it through the ringer.

Over the ten-day period, I wore the Dickies Temp-iQ Sun Shirt every time I worked outdoors — mowing the lawn, painting part of the garage, breaking down fallen limbs from a storm, splitting firewood, even removing a wasp nest. While testing the shirt, I was most interested in how well the Temp-iQ fabric protected me from the sun. I was equally interested in the shirt’s general fit, comfort, utility and cleaning instructions.

Performance Review

Initially the long-sleeved, hooded sun shirt felt warm. However, once I focused on the task at hand, my clothing became irrelevant. I quickly learned the Dickies Sun Shirt is comfortable and breathable, and the moisture wicking top notch. On two occasions I got stuck in a spontaneous rain shower only to be dry and cool minutes later.

I am also impressed by the strength of the Dickies Temp-iQ Sun Shirt. The durable fabric feels thicker and less flexible than other UV protectant shirts I’ve owned for fishing and other outdoor uses, but it’s just as comfortable. While breaking down the branch pile, I worried about the shirt tearing or snagging on pointed limb ends, pruning shears or bow saw teeth. It came through it unscathed.

The Dickies Temp-iQ Sun Shirt washing instructions are standard: machine wash on cold with like colors and tumble dry low. But something else caught my attention when reading the instructions — the UPF 40+ sun protection is only effective for 10 washes!

After doing some research, it seems the UV protection wears down slowly over time. Though your Dickies Temp-iQ Sun Shirt won’t have the full UPF 40+ protection after ten washes, it’s still better for mowing the lawn than that concert tee you picked up a few summers back.

The extra-large shirt fits well. It offers comfortable sleeves, thumb-holes, neckline and hood to accommodate a big man. I just wish the shirt was a few inches longer. Multiple times during my yard work, I picked up a stick or sprinted away after spraying a wasp nest and felt a burst of hot air straight up my back. By adding a few inches to the bottom, Dickies would have a slam-dunk product more enjoyable for the wearer.

Why You Should Buy This

If you play or work in the sun, or need extra sun protection, take care of yourself with the Dickies Temp-iQ Cooling Performance Long Sleeve Sun Shirt. It’s comfortable, durable, moisture wicking and easy to care for. No more farmers tan for your partner or children to tease you about!


  • UPF 40+ sun protection;
  • Breast pocket;
  • Comfortable;
  • Breathable;
  • Great moisture wicking;
  • Stout durability.


  • UV protection washes out over time;
  • Too short.

Where To Buy

91jd3yb1kyl 001

The Dickies Temp-iQ Cooling Performance Long Sleeve Sun Shirt is available from Amazon or at

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The Best Multitool for Big Jobs? Check Out the Zippo AxeSaw Wed, 20 Jul 2022 16:44:56 +0000 What do you do if after decades of catering to cigarette smokers, your business needs to make a change to survive? Well, if you’re Zippo, you get into the campfire game. That’s exactly what the company did, producing neat campfire-centric multi-tools, fire starters, emergency kits, lanterns and more.

One of the most interesting camping products I’ve seen in a long time is the Zippo AxeSaw, a lightweight, well-designed multi-tool for preparing firewood. I’m a sucker for these strangely engineered niche tools, so I ordered one up to try out.

What is the Zippo AxeSaw?

The Zippo AxeSaw is a bow saw, hatchet and mallet in one.

The 15-inch stainless steel saw blade can cut limbs up four inches thick. It also features a hardened five-inch, 420-alloy stainless steel axe head and a heavy-duty mallet capable of driving tent stakes in even the hardest of soils. The durable polymer handle includes storage for multiple saw blades and a flip-over cam for self-adjusting tension.

The AxeSaw looks and feels durable and well made. The saw and hatchet blades provide top-notch corrosion resistance. And the polymer handle and dual function saw handle/safety sheath feel comfortable and sturdy in the hand.

How We Tested It

Like other multi-tools, I tested each distinctive function of the Zippo AxeSaw. I split some logs with the hatchet, broke down a pile of branches and limbs with the bow saw, and hammered several stakes with the mallet.

Because of its unique shape, I carried it in my backpack and in a pack on my dual-sport motorcycle to test its true camping mobility.

Performance Review

Out of the sheath, the hatchet blade came sharp and ready. The stainless-steel blade effortlessly tore through the log’s age dried heartwood. The AxeSaw’s nearly 18-inch handle is a joy to swing and broke the firewood to kindling in no time.

The AxeSaw’s mallet is the butt of the hatchet head. Again, the long handle provided plenty of swing force for driving stakes. But you’d better be accurate with your blows, since the mallet’s face is less than 1-1/2-sq. in. It drive stakes well, and the user’s manual clearly states that’s all you should use it for. Don’t try it with nails.

While splitting thicker logs with the hatchet or delivering arching blows with the mallet, the bow saw blade rattles in the hollow handle. The vibration makes the AxeSaw feel clunky, noisy and poorly constructed. It was more irritating than anything else.

The bow saw was the most efficient tool of the bunch; I broke down a mass of downed limbs after a storm. It easily assembled in seconds, linking the sheath with the self-tensioning cam. From there, the sharp blade did the bulk of the work, smoothly cutting branches in the two- to three-inch diameter range. The AxeSaw proved to a comfortable tool, and the self-tensioning cam effective way at handling many binding cuts.

The unsung hero of the Zippo AxeSaw is its portability. At only 20 inches long and 2.6 lbs., this tool slid easily into my camping pack on the back of my motorcycle. It’s durable, so it won’t break if you drop your pack. As long as I stored the saw and hatchet blades safely, I felt confident packing it with fragile items like a raincoat or drinking water.

Why You Should Buy This

Deep down, a multi-tool provides function in an easy-to-carry package. That’s the Zippo AxeSaw. It’s ideal for camping at a nearby state park or deep in the back country.

It’s well-made and carries a one-year warranty on materials and craftsmanship. This tool isn’t flawless, but it’s become a welcome addition to my camping gear.

Where to Buy

Zippo 3 In 1 Axesaw Ecomm

The Zippo AxeSaw is available from the Zippo store on

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This Grill Basket Will Seriously Improve Your Outdoor Cooking Game Mon, 18 Jul 2022 19:12:42 +0000 Unlike many of my peers, I’m not a strictly meat and potatoes guy. I’m big on side dishes as well. When I venture out for barbecue or a steak dinner, I’m usually more excited about the sides than the huge slab of meat in front of me. Salads, vegetables, soups, rices and pastas are all my wheelhouse — and I have the waistline to prove it.

I’ve also become a late-arriving enthusiast to the smoking and outdoor cooking craze. Staying true to my love of sides, I picked up a Weber Deluxe Grilling Basket and a boatload of shrimp and veggies to try my hand at some gourmet creations.

What Is the Weber Deluxe Grilling Basket?

The Weber Deluxe Grilling Basket is a stainless steel container available in a two sizes: 7-1/2-inch square or roughly 11- x 13-in. Both baskets are a hair under 2-1/2-in. deep and can be used with gas, charcoal or pellet grills.

These baskets are ideal for grilling vegetables and small items like shrimp or steak tips. They feature handles that are simple to grasp with oven mitts and tongs. And they’re dishwasher safe, making cleanup a breeze.

How We Tested It

I made three dishes with the Weber Deluxe Grill Basket. The first was a pico de gallo where I smoked the ingredients before dicing them in the food processor. Then I tried rosemary grilled potatoes, and finally grilled Cajun shrimp. I paid close attention to how well I could maneuver the items in the basket, and whether it cleaned up easily.

Performance Review

weber grill basket with shrimp and potatoes on a grill

The Weber Deluxe Grilling basket is superb. To ensure compatibility with all my grills — portable, pellet, and standard — I selected the smaller sized basket. It worked well with each.

I smoked the tomatoes, onions and peppers for my pico on the pellet grill. On the 180 degree smoking setting, the pellet grill never got hot enough to burn anything. A quick ride through the dishwasher, and the basket came out looking like new.

I cooked the potatoes and shrimp on a standard propane grill at medium-high heat. Because of the marinade, the shrimp stuck to the basket’s stainless steel surface. That required a brief soak in hot water and a few minutes of hand scrubbing, but it steel cleaned up nicely.

The basket handles are a pleasant addition that make it easy to carry, but be warned — it gets blistering hot in a flash. Stirring the basket, especially when full, can be a challenge.

On the hot propane grill, the bottom layer of food stuck to the basket. This made it nearly impossible to flip the contents with a flick of the wrist. In most cases, I needed a spatula to mix up the ingredients, knocking a shrimp or veggie to its demise. In hindsight, I could have avoided this if I was more punctual with my stirring, or used more indirect heat or oil.

Why You Should Buy This

All the recipes I tried in the grill basket worked out great. It’s an easy and affordable way to cook small and delicate foods without worrying about them sticking or falling through the grill grates.


  • Durable stainless-steel construction;
  • Easy-to-carry handles;
  • Dishwasher safe;
  • Available in two sizes;
  • Works on charcoal, pellet or gas grills.


  • Can be hard to stir.

Where to Buy

Fhm Ecomm Weber Grill Basket Via

Both sizes of the Weber Deluxe Grilling Basket are available at, The Home Depot, or Lowe’s.

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This Portable LG AC Will Help You Get Through the Dog Days Wed, 13 Jul 2022 19:30:02 +0000 Living in Minnesota, there are four or five weeks a year I dread. Those few in January or February where the temperature never makes it above 2 degrees. And the dog days of summer, where the temp pushes 100 degrees and I break into a sweat taking out the garbage or retrieving the morning paper.

If I had to choose, I’d take the Arctic cold, because you can always layer up, grab a sweater or a down jacket. But during a heat wave, there are fewer easy options. Maybe take a dip in a pool if you own one, or sit inside with your air conditioning cranked.

With our annual mid-summer family road trip to our rustic cabin in the woods coming up, I figured I’d try out a portable air conditioner. After some due diligence and research, I came across a unit I was excited about: The LG 7,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner.

What Is the LG 7,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner?

The LG 7,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner is a standalone AC, dehumidifier and fan in one. It features multiple fan speeds, an easy-to-set on/off timer, and an auto restart feature that will automatically turn the machine back on if you lose power.

The bright white, plastic-cladded unit is beefy, around 27-1/4-inches tall and 16-1/4-inches wide, weighing about 55 lbs. But once you get it out of the box, it’s easy as pie to operate and maneuver on easy-rolling casters.

The large digital user-friendly dashboard features indicator lights for fan speed, timer and temperature control. It also features an innovative auto-swing air vent to help circulate the cool air, plus a clean filter light which illuminates when it’s time to clean the multiple air filters.

How We Tested It

With vacation days beckoning, my family and I headed north for a week’s stay in a cabin during the hottest days of the summer. LG says the air conditioner will cool rooms up to 300 square feet, but I wanted to test it in our 200-sq.-ft. bedroom as well as the 550-sq.-ft. living area. I also planned to play around with its LCD remote control, on/off timer and fan mode, then dig deeper into its routine maintenance and upkeep.

Performance Review


We arrived to blistering hot weather and a steamy cabin. I was already sweating as I thumbed through the instructions and assembled the window venting kit, which was more tedious than I anticipated. I needed a Phillips screwdriver and a pair of scissors to get it buttoned up tight.

Once installed, the LG Portable Air Conditioner did an adequate job of slowly cooling the large cabin living area, almost double its recommended size. The user-friendly remote was great for adjusting minor things like temperature and fan speed, though its short proximity range left something to be desired.

At night, we rolled the machine into the bedroom to help us sleep comfortably. That meant reinstalling the venting into the cabin’s bedroom window. Again, this process was tedious and required different adjustments because the windows were different sizes.

This brings up a fundamental misconception I had about all portable air conditioners. I thought you could just wheel them from room to room and cool down whichever area of your home you felt necessary. Though this is true, it requires a few extra minutes to get it set up and vented properly.

The unit kept us so cool and comfortable in the small cabin bedroom I started using the timer to turn it off in the middle of the night and fire up the fan setting to circulate the chilled air.


Maintenance on the LG 7,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner also seemed to be simple, with only two items to stay on top of.

A dashboard light indicates when it’s time to clean two washable air filters. It’s as simple as popping them out, rinsing, drying and putting them back in place. The other: Draining any built-up condensation. Two spigots on the back of the machine empty the air conditioner and dehumidifier, respectively. Make sure to connect a drain hose or empty them regularly.

Why You Should Buy This

Overall, I was impressed this LG Portable Air Conditioner. The unit cooled both rooms in the cabin better than expected with straightforward operation.

Installing the window venting kit proved to be the most challenging part. But it’s still easier than installing a window air conditioner, and easier on your back. And when the heat wave is finally over, the LG Portable Air Conditioner rolls out of sight or into a closet for easy storage.

Where To Buy

Lg Portable Air Conditioner Ecomm

The LG 7,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner is available at The Home Depot and

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Metabo Nailed It with This Cordless Air Compressor Mon, 11 Jul 2022 23:51:45 +0000 Every tool has a battery powered counterpart, or one being introduced on a near daily basis. But there are a few tools for which I thought we’d have to wait for battery technology to catch up though, like job site table saws, pressure washers, and air compressors. I was wrong; these tools are becoming available faster than ever.

I know from my background in trim carpentry and cabinetmaking the trials of dragging around an air compressor and nail gun from outlet to outlet nailing up moldings, casings, and trim. When I saw that Metabo was set to release a 36-volt cordless air compressor, I was eager to see it’s stamina and power.

What Is the Metabo Cordless Air Compressor?

The Metabo HPT 36v MultiVolt 2-Gallon Cordless Air Compressor is a 36-volt, battery-operated air compressor that outputs a max 135 PSI (pounds per square inch) and 1.6 CFM (cubic feet per minute) at 90 PSI. The green and black, milk crate sized compressor can either be powered by a single 36-volt battery or a work all-day AC adapter, when wall power is available (both sold separately). The Metabo 36v Cordless Air Compressor is designed with a sturdy metal roll cage for added durability and equipped with a strong, oil-free, brushless motor that’s nearly maintenance free. It features a quarter-inch brass industrial coupler, and weighing less than 30 pounds, with the battery, it’s lightweight and easy to haul.

How We Tested It

With only a loose flooring transition strip to re-adhere and a few feet of baseboard to install in my newly finished hallway, there wasn’t much on the to-do list that will test the capabilities of the Metabo 36v Cordless Air Compressor.

However, I had plenty of 18-gauge and 15-gauge nails, a 25-foot air hose and plenty of scrap wood, so I started shooting some nails to put it through the ringer. Metabo boasts that it can shoot 1,000, 18-gauge nails on a single charge. I wanted to test that claim, as well as seeing how it functions when shooting larger 15-gauge nails. I also wanted to see how loud this compact compressor’s brushless motor is.

Performance Review


After charging up the 4-amp hour battery and setting the PSI to 90, I pulled out my 15-gauge nailer and a box of two-inch nails.  I laid a scrap of ¾-inch floor underlayment across a set of sawhorses. And started popping away, testing the compressor’s might.

I nailed on, shooting a nail every second or so, until the compressors motor kicked onto replenish its tank. With the 15-gague nails, this happened every 8 to 10 nails and took between 16 and 24 seconds to refill, depending on power left in the battery. I kept shooting, stopping, finally, when the battery didn’t have enough juice to fill the tank and there wasn’t enough air to set the nail heads below the plywood’s surface.  I drove 153 15-gauge nails on a single charge.  Not Bad.

Next was the 18-gague nail test. I again charged up the battery and emptied the air tank to start both tests on a level playing field. Same process as before, I shot a two-inch, 18-gauge nail once per second, roughly, pausing for the tank to refill. With the smaller nails, the tank refilled every 18 to 21 nails, and did this 21 times before the battery died.  All in all, that was 412 two-inch, 18-gauge nails before the battery was dead and the tank was too empty to set anymore.

The two tests also opened my eyes to how loud the brushless motor is. Having to listen to its blaring hum, 40-plus times, through my OSHA approved, Spotify connected, earmuffs, I was hoping for something quieter. I downloaded a decibel app on my phone. As a comparison tool, compared the reading between the Metabo and my ancient plug-in compressor. I was surprised to find nearly identical 78 and 78.1 decibel readings, respectively, which is a bummer when you consider the quiet compressor technology of today.

After all those nails, the to-do list was a walk in the park. The portability of the Metabo cordless air compressor is the real hero. Maneuvering it through rooms and up and down stairs, without having to find an outlet or run an extension cord is a welcome game-changer.


I utter some form of this spiel every time I discuss a battery-operated tool. A large chunk the value of battery-operated tools is tied to the battery and charger itself. Personally, I think this is a top-notch tool, worth every penny of the $300 price tag, but I already own a Metabo battery and charger. If you have to figure in the additional costs of these items, it will cost almost $120 more. That makes it a little harder pill to swallow.

Reliability and Durability

The Metabo 36-volt cordless air compressor feels solid and well-made. The heavy-duty tank and cage will protect and keep this unit in good working order for years down the line. I’m also an advocate of Metabo brand tools overall.  Metabo, previously Hitachi, has a long track record of making quality power tools, and this cordless air compressor follows that.

Ease of Use

Modern compressors are user friendly machines, and this Metabo is no different.  It functions using a single on/off switch and a dial to adjust air pressure. It’s also nearly maintenance free, due to its oil-free, brushless motor. Just stay on top of draining the condensation from the tool’s tank so it won’t corrode over time.

Why You Should Buy This

Firing off as many nails as I did made for a respectable showing for this battery-operated compressor. It’s lightweight, durable, user-friendly, well-made and powerful. It’s Maybe not as stout as it claims, but strong enough for any trim project. I do wish the compressor was quieter, but I’d deal with a few extra decibels rather than hassle with climbing over a pile of extension cords on the job site every day.

Where to Buy

Metabo Hpt 36v Multivolt Cordless Air Compressor Ecomm

The Metabo HPT MultiVolt 2-Gallon Cordless Air Compressor is available at Amazon and Lowe’s.

Buy Now!

The Lixada Blocklight Is a Small Flashlight with Lots of Power Fri, 08 Jul 2022 20:17:40 +0000 These days, you don’t have to carry around one of those heavy lights filled archaic D batteries to have a strong flashlight in your possession. On a recent camping trip, a friend opened my eyes to the Lixada Blocklite, a bright, inexpensive, and ultra-compact flashlight. After returning from that trip, I promptly ordered a few to test for myself.

What Is the Lixada Blocklight?

The ultra-tiny Lixada Blocklite is an LED light block that snaps securely onto any common nine-volt battery. Using the battery as its power source, the Lixada Blocklite has two different brightness settings all controlled by a single toggling switch. The tiny flashlight is super compact and lightweight, weighing 1.8 ounces and measuring under 3 inches with the battery attached.

How We Tested It

The four-pack of Blocklite’s arrived in my mailbox over a month ago, and since then we have been inseparable. The best way to test a flashlight is to use it in as many scenarios as possible. I’ve had one in my pocket at all times, bringing it fishing, golfing, mountain biking, and to check out ill-kept, project motorcycles on Craigslist. The other few I tucked away in places I’ll use them down the road, like my fly-fishing pack, the center counsel of my truck, and the toolbox I lug around to do odd jobs for friends or family.

Performance Review

From navigating the narrow-beaten path after a moonless night fishing in the creek to peering into the depths of a 40-year-old motorcycles gas tank, this light has been a lifesaver on multiple occasions.

Toggle the switch to the left and all six LEDs illuminate a bright clear light. It’s great for pitch black conditions like finding those all-important car keys you dropped while sitting around the campfire. Toggle it to the right and only two LEDs light up, which is better for when just a little more would be helpful.

The only concern I have is that I’ll hide one away, and find it years later, neglected and with a leaking battery. But for only a few bucks a piece, that’s not a big price to pay to know you’ll have light when you need it.

I’ve become fond of these little lights. These are no million lumen, high-tech, space age lights. Just a compact, affordable, interesting little flashlight that puts out plenty of light for any day-to-day purpose.

Why You Should Buy This

The Lixada Blocklite is convenient and useful. It’s compact stature, neat design and budget friendly price have me tucking these things away and every tool and tackle box, backpack, and vehicle compartment I can find- for the next time I need a little extra light in my life.

Where to Buy

Lixada Led Handheld Flashlight Ecomm Via Amazon 001

The Lixada Blocklite is available on Amazon.

Buy Now!

Family Handyman Approved: Blue Sky Ridge Fire Pit Tue, 05 Jul 2022 19:38:53 +0000 I see compact smokeless fire pits everywhere — at the beach, campgrounds, tailgating at sporting events or on neighbors’ decks and patios.  These provide a tidy, smoke-free burn in a lightweight, easy to transport package.

Though it’s almost halfway through our short Minnesota summer, I figured it wasn’t too late to try one of these out for myself.  So I ordered the Blue Sky Outdoor Living Ridge Smokeless Fire Pit, picked up some S’mores fixings and got ready for the long Fourth of July Weekend.

What is the Blue Sky Ridge Fire Pit?

The Blue Sky Ridge is a 15-pound portable steel fire pit. It stands about 16 inches tall and 12-1/2-inches wide, and supports a decent fire in its 11-1/2-inch-wide burn chamber.

It’s a dual-fuel device, meaning it’s approved to burn standard firewood and wood pellets, or a mixture of both. When the party is winding down, the fire pit breaks down easily. Its pieces neatly nest together and slide into an included carrying bag for easy transport.

The low sheen, solid black design is modern and sleek, reminiscent of something from a 1980’s sci-fi movie. Blue Sky is also an official licensed partner of the NFL, NHL and U.S. Army. So if you’d like to support your favorite team or military branch, there are plenty of customized options for that, too.

The unit feels durable, sturdy and well-made. Plus, all Blue Sky Outdoor Living products come with a three-year limited warranty.

How We Tested it

With clear weather on the horizon and Fourth of July weekend approaching, I gathered our family and packed our vehicle a long weekend at the lake. I figured this would be the perfect setting to test the Blue Sky Ridge Fire Pit.

I was curious to see how well it packed and set up, and whether it was truly a smokeless fire pit.  I had wood pellets from our pellet grill already up there, so I planned to test the dual-fuel concept as well.

Performance Review

This fire pit is slick. It’s easy to set up, use, haul and even clean. The included storage bag is handy not only for transport, but for keeping ashes and soot from smudging the inside of your trunk.

The Blue Sky Ridge sets up and breaks down in seconds. The top burn chamber sits on top of the ash-catching base. With some firewood or pellets, you’ll have it raging in minutes.

The Blue Sky website says the Ridge can handle fires up to 1,900 F, and I believe it. This thing gets roaring, expelling flames out of the top and pumping out heat you can feel on your shins a couple of yards away. I sensed a faint smell of something industrial the first few times I used it, but that went away. It was probably just excess paint or the powder coat from the manufacturing process.

When it was time to pack up and head home, the Blue Sky Ridge cleaned up in a snap. I just emptied the ashes from the collection stand, nested the pieces back together and was on my way. Just give yourself ample time to let it cool down before handling or putting it back into its travel bag, because it can take awhile.

The Great Fuel Debate

The dual fuel test was eye-opening, and a learning curve. The wood pellets burned thoroughly but quickly.

I dumped an 1-1/2- to 2-inch pile of grill pellets into the bottom of the burn chamber and set four tiny fires, ignited with torn off chunks of brown-paper bag. Minutes later, the fire was roaring and burned for 20 or 25 minutes.

Once the pellets burned up, the fire extinguished quickly. But that’s the best part — to keep the fire going a few minutes longer, just toss on a handful or two of pellets rather than an entire log.

Using firewood with the Blue Sky Ridge Smokeless Fire Pit is a little different. First, you’ll need to split the firewood into smaller uniform pieces that will fit snugly in the bottom of the fire pit, rather than sticking out of the top. Instead of building a fire that fills the entire burn chamber, work on creating a more intense one in the bottom half.

This reflects how a smokeless fire pit works. Outside air is pulled into the bottom ring of the burn chamber, then moves up the pit’s hollow walls. The heated air is then released into the top of the burn chamber, infusing the fire with an extra burst of oxygen. This vaporizes any wood or moisture particles, creating little or no smoke or embers at all.

If you build a fire with your firewood pieces in a typical teepee design out the top of the fire pit, like I did the first time, expect plenty of smoke and embers — the opposite of what you’re looking for.

After trying pellets alone, then firewood, then a mixture of both, I think wood pellets alone offer the best way to keep a low-profile fire blazing away while minimizing the smoke.


Comparable sized portable smokeless fire pits from market leaders cost nearly double the price of the $160 Blue Sky Ridge, and with fewer features.

Of all its competitors, only the Blue Sky Ridge features an easy-to-clean, ash-catching base and a carrying and storage bag. It’s also the only brand customizable with your favorite sports team’s logo or military branch emblem.

Why You Should Buy This

If you were thinking about getting a smokeless fire pit but weren’t sure which one, give this affordable Blue Sky Ridge fire pit a try.  The dual fuel fire pit is easy to use, set up, haul and even clean. It’s compact enough to throw over your shoulder, yet pumps out enough heat to keep family and friends warm year-round.

Where to Buy

Blue Sky Outdoor Living Blue Sky Outdoor Living Ridge Portable Steel Smokeless Fire Pit With Carrying Bag Ecomm

The Blue Sky Outdoor Products Ridge Fire Pit is available at Amazon, The Home Depot, Walmart, Lowe’s and Camping World.

Buy Now!

We Tried This Multi-Tool That Stashes on the Back of Your Phone Tue, 28 Jun 2022 21:53:08 +0000 I’m a forgetful person. My mind is always off in la-la-land, daydreaming about some new furniture design, mountain bike trail or a book I’m working my way through. My wife can attest to me scrambling around our bungalow, mumbling “wallet, keys, phone, sunglasses” to myself each time I leave the house. Otherwise, I’m bound to leave something behind.

Recently I noticed SOG (Studies and Observations Group), the specialty knife and tool brand, teamed with the phone grip company PopSockets to release the PopGrip SOG Multi-Tool, which mounts to the back of smartphones or device cases. I found this idea tantalizingly and creative, since no one goes anywhere these days without their smartphones — including me.

So I ordered a Pop Socket multi-tool and installed it onto the back of my phone a few days later.

What is the PopSockets PopGrip SOG Multi-Tool?

The PopSockets PopGrip SOG Multi-Tool is a collapsible two-inch-diameter disk with a multi-tool embedded. The tool functions as a flat-head screwdriver, bottle opener, mini pry bar a hex driver for 1/4-in. and 4mm bits or nuts. When not in use, the removable tool easily clicks in place, held by a magnetic locking system.

The PopSockets PopGrip SOG Multi-Tool adheres to the back of your device with a strong peel-off adhesive tab. It also serves as a phone stand and one-handed grip, and it’s available in four colors.

The Test

I spent a couple of hours pacing around my garage shop, looking for specific uses for the PopSockets PopGrip SOG Multi-Tool. I seemed to come up something for most everything. Here’s how each tool component fared:

Flathead/slotted screwdriver

The slotted screwdriver worked great on small and medium sized machine screws.

Because it’s on the corner of the tool, it’s easy to apply downward pressure and torque to the machine screws, to tighten or loosen as needed. But the scrawny 1/8-inch-wide tip struggled with slotted wood screws, brass screws and larger machine screws.

Bottle opener

The bottle opener worked effectively, as did the pry bar function and a finger, at opening my six-pack of Minnesota-made bottled beer and a couple of other stragglers in the back of the refrigerator.

I like the barb on the bottom lip of the opener assists in gripping the bottle cap so the tool doesn’t slide off.  The issue here is torque. The two-inch bar it’s not efficient at easily popping off the bottle caps so some elbow grease is needed.

Mini pry-bar

Again, no torque. I couldn’t find a single non-beer-opening job where two-inch long pry-bar helped. The 1/8-inch thickness is impractical. It worked OK as a spacer to adjust inset cabinet doors, but that’s as close as I will ever come to prying anything with the PopSockets Multi-Tool.

Hex drivers

Both hex drivers are pretty much useless except for a few situations.  The 1/4-in. hex driver helps on nuts from #4 machine screws, or in conjunction with a hex drive Phillips head, Torx or other bit.

Even after scouring every square inch of my foreign-made car, motorcycle and hoard of bicycles, I found only one use for the 4mm hex drive — sliding over a 4mm Allen key for a little extra oompf.

What Others Had to Say

Craigit, a verified Amazon Purchaser, gave it a glowing five-star review, writing: “The tool I never knew I needed. I’m happy I bought this. Super easy to install and the tool locking mechanism is clever with using a magnet. I also appreciate the larger size of the PopSockets vs. the normal size. My hands feel less cramped when using this one. Honestly it could have come without the tool and I would have been happy, the tool is a value add.”

Some didn’t like the larger size as much, like Mama Sojka who writes: “I think a [PopSockets] with a multi tool is pretty sweet. The detachable tool is secure when it’s locked in place and easy to get out. I also purchased it because it’s generally just bigger than your average [PopSockets]. My knock on this is that it’s not compatible with the normal [PopSockets] holder for my car. So the convenience of putting it in its holder is pretty much not possible.

Sierra, another verified purchaser and five-star reviewer, brings up a valid point when she writes: “Just got this, and it’s great! Amazing for work, and honestly, it looks bad a**. However, I’ve already lost the multi-tool. Is there any way to replace the multi-tool piece without buying everything else?”

Final Verdict

I use this multi-tool most often to open boxes. The beveled, pointed lip of the bottle opener slides through manila colored courier envelops and packing tape with ease. My bratwurst-sized fingers appreciate the large size, and it functions nicely as a phone stand and grip. It’s also good as a beer bottle opener or conversation starter, which often go hand in hand.

A multi-tool’s value is directly tied to functionality and transportability. You want a tool you’ll use when things pop up (pun intended). The PopSockets PopGrip SOG Multi-Tool leaves a little to be desired in functionality, but at least it’s always with me, attached to the back of my rarely-forgotten smartphone.


  • Bottle opener and slotted screwdriver work well;
  • Nice for large hands and phones;
  • Handy for opening packages;
  • Great as a phone stand/grip;
  • Cool conversation starter.


  • Pry bar and 4mm hex wrench don’t work well;
  • Too large to work with other PopSockets accessories;
  • No tool replacements offered.

Where to Buy

Popsockets Popgrip Sog Multi Tool Ecomm

The PopSockets Pop Grip SOG Multi-Tool is available at Amazon and Walmart, or from

Buy Now!

Upgrade Your Garage with This Family Handyman Approved DeWalt Socket Wrench Set Mon, 27 Jun 2022 22:40:20 +0000 Like many of the kids in my neighborhood, I spent my pre-teen years disassembling and reassembling whatever I could get my hands on. Discarded, broken down lawnmowers left on the curb and my growing horde of bicycles were my usual targets.

But now and again, one of us would come across a trashed sewing machine or garden tiller and drag it back to the center of our garage floors to see what we could make of it.

Around that time, my grandfather, who I more or less lived with for a couple of years, gave me a cheap 24-piece tool set to try and hone my mechanical interests.

The small plastic black case was like a surgeon’s kit to me and my friends, full of shiny chrome ratchet handles, a bunch of sockets and a pair of screwdrivers.  We would fly home after school on our BMX bikes and grab it to disassemble every rusted and discarded machine-like victim we found thereafter.

I still own that socket set to this day, though the cheap plastic case crumbled years ago. For me, that was a coming-of-age gift, much like my first Swiss Army knife or BB gun, one I’ll hold onto forever for the memories entwined in it.

Recently I was in the market for a decent sized socket set, one I could easily lug to and from friends’ garages and weekend cabin trips.  I did some research and decided to snag the DeWalt 84-piece Mechanics Tool Set. When it arrived a few days later, I was eager to test it out.

What is the DeWalt 84-piece Mechanics Tool Set?

The DeWalt 84-piece Mechanics Tool Set features a single, 7-1/2-in. long, 72-tooth ratchet with a 3/8-inch drive head, ideal for high torque wrenching in tight spaces.  The accompanying 63 six-point sockets range from 5/32-in. all the way up to 13/16-in., and 4mm to 21mm in metric. The set also includes a handful of extension bars, adapters, spark plug sockets and a specialty screwdriver with bits.

The entire chrome plated tool set comes in a molded 10-in. x 14-in. heavy-duty plastic storage case. Every piece looks and feels sturdy and strong. The set as a whole is compact and easy to carry, weighing less than ten pounds.

How We Tested It

With the break-in period coming to an end on my months-old enduro motorcycle, the manufacturer suggested changing the oil and doing a valve adjustment.  I also planned to do a quick once-over, lubing or tightening components that may have rattled loose over this phase.  What better time to try out this DeWalt Mechanics Tool set?

I also had a pushmower and a chainsaw that could use an oil change and maybe new spark plugs, too. It was time to get into the garage and get my hands dirty!

Performance Review

Fh22d Approved Dewalt Socket Set 06 24 002 Dewalt 84 Piece Mechanics Tool Set

I started with the oil and spark plug changes on the chainsaw and mower.  I was glad the set included 5/8-inch and 13/16-inch spark plug sockets as the mower and saw each had a different plug sizes.

This DeWalt set is fantastic!  The six-point sockets fit firm and tight on the heads of the bolts and plugs, and the 72-tooth rachet was much better in tight spaces than the old rachet from my childhood.  It took a little muscle to break loose the drain plug on the mower, but the DeWalt socket and wrench did their job and held firm without disfiguring the decades-old bolt.

On to the motorcycle. I began with the oil change and valve adjustment, with the case wide open on my workbench so I could choose what I needed as I worked through the maintenance.

I used most everything, from 4mm sockets to the #3 Phillips bit in the screwdriver. I took took off the seat, gas tank, chain and engine covers to access the parts I needed, then reversed the process to get everything back together and running.

After almost three hours, with all the machines closed up and running well, there was nothing bad I could say about the DeWalt 84-piece Mechanics Tool Set.  If there were one change I’d make — and this is minor — I’d add a socket release button on the back of the ratchet’s head to assist with switching sockets with sweaty or oily hands. That’s it.

This DeWalt 84-piece mechanics retails for less than $70.  You’d be hard pressed to find a set this size and quality for less, especially if you factor in the DeWalt’s “Guaranteed Tough” lifetime warranty.  I trust this set will be durable and reliable for years to come. Who knows — maybe I’ll pass it on to a tinkering grandson of mine many years down the line!

Why You Should Buy This

If you’re in the market for quality, durable and compact tool set, check out this DeWalt 84-piece mechanics tool set. It’s full of great features like a 72-tooth ratchet, strong six-point sockets and durable storage case.  Plus, with DeWalt’s full lifetime warranty, you can be confident it’ll last forever.

Where to Buy

Dewalt Mechanics Tool Set Ecomm

The DeWalt 84-piece Mechanics Tool Set is available at Amazon and The Home Depot.

Buy Now!

We Tried the Worx Switchdriver and It Really Is a Time-Saver Wed, 15 Jun 2022 21:57:28 +0000 It’s easier to do certain jobs if you have two drills set up with the different bits you need. Zip anchors, drilling and tapping metal and countersinking screws all require multiple drill tips or bits.

If you’ve done any of these projects, you know it’s a hassle to constantly remove and re-chuck the bit you need. Awhile back, Worx came out with its new and improved Switchdriver 2.0, a single drill with a switchable chuck. That lets you jump back and forth between the bits and torque settings you need, on demand.

I was curious. So I got ahold of one, charged it up and put it to the test.

What is the Worx Nitro Switchdriver 2.0?

The Worx Nitro Switchdriver 2.0 is a battery-operated drill/driver that features a pair of 1/4-in. hex-drive rotating dual chucks. It’s powered by a re-engineered brushless motor, and ships with a 20-volt, 2-amp-hour battery and charger.

An intelligent digital interface lets you change torque settings and switch between drill or driver bits with a click of the keypad. It also features many standard facets like LED work light and a variable speed trigger.

The Switchdriver looks and feels well-made, and is surprisingly lightweight and compact in your hand.  It comes with a small bag for storage and some bits.

How We Tested It

Needing more garage organization, I used the Worx Nitro Switchdriver 2.0 to build an eight-foot-wide shelving unit around my rolling mechanics tool chest. I did it with 2×4’s, 1/2-inch plywood and countersunk deck screws.

I was curious to learn how much power the drill had, whether the digital interface was easy to use, how long the charged Worx battery could go in constant mode, and any torque changes that might come with running separate types of bits.

After cutting all my plywood and lumber to size. I pulled out the drill, plugged a #2 Phillips bit in one chuck, put a tapered pre-drilling bit with an attached countersink in the other, and got to work.

Performance Review

Fh22d Worx Nitro 05 19 002 We Tried It Worx Switchdriver 2.0

The Worx Switchdriver came in handy for building my garage shelves.

I love how quickly and easily you can switch between chucks, but I wish one was a traditional drill chuck rather than two hex drive chucks. A hex drive chuck is nice because you can quickly and securely switch out specifically made hex bits or drivers.  Unfortunately, most drill bits are not hex drive; those are much more expensive and harder to obtain.

For such a lightweight tool, the Worx Switchdriver packs a little punch. The brushless motor and battery supplied adequate power for this Saturday afternoon project, but not much more. After I finished, I plugged in a 1-1/2-inch spade bit so I could play around with the digital interface and torque settings. It struggled to drill a handful of holes with the larger, more taxing bit.

The two-button interface is simple and easy to use.  It functions the same as the twist torque control on a traditional drill, without a hammer-drill function. But it’s sleeker and more high-tech looking, as if from a James Bond movie.

What Others Thought

Verified Amazon purchaser Monkey gave it four stars, writing: “Novel design, but even when using the 20v 4A Worx battery, the [power] on this is way less than ideal. Still, great for every day, non-heavy use.”

Geep, another Amazon verified purchaser, raved about it in a five-star review: “This is one neat tool. I just finished installing 40+ cabinet and drawer pulls. Having a drill bit and a Phillips screwdriver on one device really simplified the job. I also use the same battery for my yard blower. I recommend this product.”

Final Verdict

The Worx Nitro Switchdriver 2.0 is a useful and capable tool for light, everyday use, but feels a bit gimmicky, too.

If you already own other Worx tools and batteries, there’s a place for the Switchdriver in your workshop. But if not, I’d suggest looking elsewhere. For the $130 price tag, I’d still rather have a trusty drill/driver combo than this tool.


  • Innovative timesaving design;
  • Easy to use;
  • Great for around-the-house;
  • Slick intelligent interface.


  • No traditional chuck;
  • Under-powered.

Where to Buy

Worx Nitro Wx177l 20v Brushless Switchdriver 2.0 2 In 1 Cordless Drill And Driver Ecomm

The Worx Nitro Switchdriver 2.0 is available on

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This Amazing Family Handyman Approved Log Splitter Is All It’s Cracked Up to Be and More! Mon, 13 Jun 2022 19:55:52 +0000 Since the start of the pandemic, many of my friends and family purchased or built wood fired pizza ovens, smokeless fire pits, and extravagant backyard bonfire setups.  For many of these, you can’t simply toss on any old logs and expect it to burn. You need a well-constructed fire to ensure consistent oven temperature or bonfire longevity.

While surfing the web, I came across a photo of a neat-looking, cast iron log-splitting contraption. I did some digging and discovered the Kindling Cracker!  Out came the credit card, and a few days later the king-sized version showed up at my door.

What is the Kindling Cracker?

The Kindling Cracker uses a stationary blade and a blunt object like a hammer or mallet to easily split logs into smaller manageable pieces or kindling. A New Zealand teenager looking to stay warm and safe in the winter developed it as a school project.

The Kindling Cracker comes in two sizes. The original can split logs up to 6-1/2-inches in diameter; the king can handle up to 9-in.-dia. wood chunks. Usable indoors or out, the Kindling Cracker features mounting options on the base so it can be permanently affixed near your fireplace hearth or an outdoor wood pile.

The Kindling Cracker isn’t portable. It’s heavy (a bit over 20 lbs.) and bulky. And it ships without a mallet or blunt-force instrument; you’ll need to provide your own.

How We Tested It

I chose 49 logs from my wood pile to run through the king size Kindling Cracker, a mixture of aspen, birch, oak and a boxelder tree. They ranged from three to nine inches wide and 12- to 19-inches long.

I planned on quartering these logs into four semi-uniform pieces, using several hammers and mallets to test and see how they compared. With a few friends heading over for a bonfire this weekend, it was time to get cracking!

All It’s Cracked Up to Be?

Fh22d Approved Kindlingcracker 06 09 003 Family Handyman Approved Kindling Cracker

The Kindling Cracker is an impressive tool.  Splitting wood is still labor intensive, but I had all 49 logs quartered and re-stacked in a little over an hour.

As when splitting any wood, this tool works best on straight grained and adequately dried logs.  Even when I came across a chunk with a big knot in it or a weird grain pattern, the Kindling Cracker was up to the task with an extra hammer swing or two.

Speaking of hammers, my handheld four-pound club hammer was the clear winner with the Kindling Cracker.  My long-handled framing hammer wasn’t stout enough, and my 10-lb. full-size sledgehammer worked well on the greener logs but was overkill on most others.

I even tried using another log as the mallet, as shown on the packaging. This also worked, but swinging another log proved awkward. A three- or four-pound club hammer is the way to go.

The Kindling Cracker is a great conversation piece as well.  While quartering the pile of logs, two neighbors struck up a conversation about the tool’s ins-and-outs and the neat story behind its invention. The Kindling Cracker is unique and interesting. From now on, I’ll keep it right next to our woodpile for all to see.

Foolproof to Use

I really like how easy and safe the Kindling Cracker is. There’s no swinging of a sharp axe or hatchet blade, and no dangerous splitting machines. With just a blunt object, a little elbow grease and the Kindling Cracker, nearly anyone, young or old, can split firewood perfectly in no time.

Why You Should Buy This

If you’re looking for an effective, safe and interesting way to split firewood for your pit, fireplace, stove or oven, try the Kindling Cracker.  It’s well-made, easy to use and available in two sizes, though the king size is the way to go!

Where to Buy

Kindling Cracker 118990 High Quality Manual Cast Iron Original Firewood Splitter

Both sizes of the Kindling Cracker are available at Walmart and Northern Tool, and on

Buy Now!

Family Handyman Approved: Ranger Ready Repellent Thu, 09 Jun 2022 14:47:05 +0000 It seems like clockwork. Every spring, I read countless articles in local publications signaling a record year for some fill-in-the-blank pest. This year in Minnesota, articles warned of record mosquito and tick populations in the northern half of our state.

With summer looming, I heard of a new insect repellent that sounded intriguing. So I grabbed a three-pack of Ranger Ready Repellent for a long weekend with my family in lake country.

What is Ranger Ready Repellent?

Ranger Ready Repellent is an insect repellent that uses picaridin, rather than the neurotoxin DEET, as its active ingredient.  Picaridin is a safer yet equally effective alternative to DEET, which originated from the same group of plants that produce black pepper.

Unlike DEET, picaridin can be safely applied directly to the skin. It’s recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for adults (including pregnant women) and children at least one year old.

A single application of Ranger Ready with 20 percent picaridin has been proven effective against a long list of pests including mosquitos, ticks, biting flies, chiggers, gnats and sand flies for up to 12 hours.

Best yet, picaridin is not a plasticizer like DEET. So it won’t break down elastic, leather, rubber, plastic, paint, or vinyl on your clothing or outdoor gear.

How We Tested It

For the last six Memorial Day weekends, our entire extended family has made its way to a couple of cabins in Minnesota’s North Woods. This year, the bug report was really bad. A mild winter and lots of spring moisture contributed to large amounts of mosquitos, gnats and ticks. I packed the car and headed north with plenty of Ranger Ready to test.

There were a few questions I hoped to answer about Ranger Ready Repellent.  Was it as effective as DEET? How did the Ranger Ready feel when applied onto your skin? Does it have a potent or off-putting scent?

Fh22d Approved Ranger Ready Repellent 05 19 003 Family Handyman Approved Ranger Ready Repellent With Picaridin

Performance Review

When we pulled onto the winding dirt road that leads to the cabin, something felt eerie. At the neighboring cabins, there were few people out and about conversing, playing yard games or fishing from the dock. After parking in the driveway and opening the door of our cabin, I knew why. It was true. The mosquitos were horrendous.

After carrying in the first load, I paused a few times to swing at those bloodsuckers. I cracked open my backpack and tried dousing every square inch of my body with the Ranger Ready Repellent.

On my many remaining trips to the car, I was pleasantly surprised by how effectively this product handled the constant barrage of incoming mosquitos. The bugs found a few spots I inadequately covered, but the remaining five loads netted only three or four solid bites. The first trip alone left me with a dozen or more.

Ranger Ready comes in many scents, and randomly I ended up with the “Ranger Orange.”  It smells pleasant and citrusy, in no way chemically ridden or overpowering.  I appreciate the Ranger Ready bottle has a pump, so there’s no lingering cloud of repellent as you apply.  The Ranger Ready spray also felt soft and dry on my clothes and skin.

Ranger Ready vs. DEET

On the last day of our weekend, my father-in-law and I decided to be brave and play a round of golf.  Before we could even get to the first tee, a course employee warned us about the gnats on the upcoming wooded holes.

I fished the familiar, grass-green DEET-filled aerosol can from my golf bag and decided to test the repellents head-to-head. I covered one arm and leg with that stuff, and the other with Ranger Ready. The gnats stayed away for the most part, and no side of my body seemed better protected than another.

At the end of the day, both sprays proved equally effective. But the Ranger Ready stood out for its feel on my skin, pleasant nontoxic smell, and its overall safer use.

Why You Should Buy This

If you’re looking for an effective bug spray that’s non-toxic and gentle enough for even the smallest members of your family, Ranger Ready Repellent is the one for you!  It comes in different scents, sizes and package designs, so you can easily find one to take wherever your next pest-filled adventure may be.

Where to Buy

Ranger Ready Picaridin 20 Percent Deet Free Insect Repellent Ecomm

Ranger Ready Repellent and other Ranger Ready products are available at Walmart, Target, Amazon and

Buy Now!

Toro Timemaster 30 inch Lawn Mower Review Thu, 09 Jun 2022 14:38:02 +0000 I’ve always enjoyed cutting my lawn. What I didn’t enjoy was the hour-and-a-half to two-hour time commitment to mow my 1/3-acre lot.

For years now, I’ve been researching wider, homeowner-grade, walk-behind mowers. I finally decided to buy the one that got the wide, walk-behind trend started — The Toro Timemaster 30.

What is the Toro Timemaster 30?

The Toro Timemaster 30 is a 30-inch-wide walk-behind mower powered by easy-to-start, 223cc Briggs & Stratton gasoline engine. The 30-inch cutting deck features two 15-inch blades that finely mince your grass clippings for beautifully lush lawn.

The mower offers easy two-point lawn height adjustment, a quick stow storage lever, and an automatic blade stop system in case you need to move a toy or debris from your path.

The innovative Personal Pace self-propelled system is a game changer.  It senses your preferred walking pace and adjusts the mower’s speed accordingly. And when it’s time to tidy up, a built-in washout port cleans the underside of your mowing deck, hassle-free.

The mower comes assembled in a gigantic 140-lb. box. Also included are the grass clippings collection bag, attachable side discharge shoot, garden hose attachment for the washout port, and a quart of engine oil.

How We Tested It

Over two-plus weeks with the Timemaster 30, I mowed my lawn three times, and my neighbor Mary’s standard city lot once for good measure. I bagged my clipping the first go-round, used the side discharge shoot the next, and mulched mine and Mary’s yards last.

Performance Review

Fh22d Toro Timesaver 06 02 004 Family Handyman Approved Toro Timemaster 30 Lawn Mower

Is It Really a Time Master?

I figured the Toro Timemaster 30 would expedite my weekly mowing, but I was surprised at the amount of time I saved.  With my old trusty 21-inch mower. it took me roughly 90 minutes to mulch my grass.  The first time I cut my lawn with the Timemaster 30 it took only 49 minutes… and I bagged the clippings!  How could this be??

There are two factors at play here.  The first is the easiest to identify — the 30-inch cutting deck. It’s nine inches wider than my previous mower, meaning 30 percent fewer paths as I crisscrossed my way across my lawn.

The second is the fantastic Personal Pace self-propulsion system.  On my last mower, flooring the throttle to rabbit speed set the pace. I pulled out a stopwatch and walked the length of my yard to discover the old mower did the 120-foot-long lot in about 28.2-seconds per pass, or 2.9 mph.

With the Personal Pace system, the mower moves at YOUR speed, no matter how fast or slow you want to go, up to a near-jogging 4.5 mph. When I walked my lot at my cadence with the Toro Timemaster 30, it took 23.9 seconds, or 3.4 mph — 1/2-mph faster than before!

Other Great Features

The blade-stop system on the Timemaster 30 is incredibly helpful. Rather than turn off the entire mower, the safety lever only disengages the blades. That way if you approach a hose, tennis ball or fallen debris, you can safely walk away from your running mower to pick it up or move it out of your way. No need to shut down the engine and restart it.

When I wrapped up my yard work for the day, I appreciated the quick stow storage lever, which folds the handle up to save floor space in my tightly-packed two-car garage.  And the built-in wash-out port easily attaches a hose to the mower deck, so I can keep the underside of the Timemaster clean without rolling the behemoth on its side to spray it off.


The Toro Timemaster 30’s value is all tied to its 30-inch cutting deck. A similar Toro mower with a standard 22-inch deck and all the same features costs less than half what the Timemaster 30 does.  Ultimately, it comes down to how much lawn you need to mow, and how quickly you need to mow it to justify the lofty $1,500 price tag.

Reliability and durability

The Toro Timemaster 30 feels sturdy and well-built with a solid steel deck and cast aluminum frame. The beefy, workhorse Briggs and Stratton engine can power through almost anything. An industry leader in lawn care, Toro backs all its mowers with a three-year, guaranteed-to-start warranty.

Ease of use

Though the Timemaster 30 is available with a push-button start, the unit I bought had a pull cord start.  I was a little skeptical about getting another mower with a pull-start, but the salesperson assured me it would be the easiest pull start I’d ever used.

They were right. After one pull, the mower fired up. And thanks to the blade stop system, I didn’t have to turn it off for the rest of your mow. The Timemaster 30 is foolproof, with no buttons or dials to push or adjust. Just fire it up and start walking.

Why You Should Buy This

The Toro Timemaster 30 really is an outstanding lawn mower. It’s well-made and full of helpful and innovative features like the wide cutting deck, Personal Pace self-propulsion and built-in washout port. Sure, it’s a splurge. But if you have a large lawn or would rather waste away your weekends in your hammock, this mower may be for you.

Where to Buy

Toro Timemaster 30 In. Briggs And Stratton Personal Pace Self Propelled Walk Behind Gas Lawn Mower With Spin Stop

The Toro Timemaster 30 lawn mower is available at Ace Hardware and Tractor Supply Co. locations.

Buy Now!
